Routing audio to Octatrack via something something

Hi! Just came home from a test run on a Octatrack. Used it as a dj mixer and it worked really good. Now what im wondering is how is the best way to route audio from 2 cdj player, 1 AR and 1 A4 to a Octatrack without a mixer and without to have to disconnect/connect cables all the time. A audio interface or something else? Probably a noobish question but what the hell…if i dont ask i dont get any answers :slight_smile: I know that a mixer would be awesome for this purpose but feels a bit overkill to keep my A&H Xone DB4 just for routing audio to a Octatrack…gonna do all the mixing on the Octatrack leaving the mixer pretty useless besides routing audio

If you really don’t want to use a small mixer, than this is what I would do:
Plug A4 to IN AB of the OT, then AR to the IN CD.
CDJ 1 to the in of the A4, CDJ 2 to the analog in of the AR.
If you switch off all the effects in the A4 and AR, those machines will mix the sound from the CDJ to their own sounds.
Playing with the track levels and dir levels you can achieve and kind of mix of the four devices.

One suggestion that I´m planning myself, not entirely for my OT. But the possibilities with it are vast, possible to automate via MIDI, small footprint, lightweight. Won´t run out of ideas with that one:

A mixer is the very thing that allows you to route audio from various sources without reconnecting cables.

If the A&H is too expensive to keep but you don’t like to route the CDJ players through the other Elektron units as bozobreak suggested then you could get a cheap, rackmount mixer (often only 1U in height) with a few inputs and either an aux send or alt bus to send signals to the OT.

But mixing using a device like an OT that only has two stereo inputs will always require compromises.

…keep in mind that you can level down your external sources at any time…
but not vice versa…

if you really wanna combine external gains with ot internal sounds without any outboard mixing devices, your external gear gainstaging must come first as reference for all the internal track levels…

a liitle mackie mixer for round about 200 bucks can makes things easier a lot here, if the dj monster mixer is too much…

the idea of an ot only setup is damned sexy, but is asking for way more pre fixed preparation…

A mixer is the very thing that allows you to route audio from various sources without reconnecting cables.

If the A&H is too expensive to keep but you don’t like to route the CDJ players through the other Elektron units as bozobreak suggested then you could get a cheap, rackmount mixer (often only 1U in height) with a few inputs and either an aux send or alt bus to send signals to the OT.

But mixing using a device like an OT that only has two stereo inputs will always require compromises.[/quote]
I have a very direct question for Fleuw, what is it that requires you to route through the Octatrack over a DB4?

Must be busy.

A mixer is the very thing that allows you to route audio from various sources without reconnecting cables.

If the A&H is too expensive to keep but you don’t like to route the CDJ players through the other Elektron units as bozobreak suggested then you could get a cheap, rackmount mixer (often only 1U in height) with a few inputs and either an aux send or alt bus to send signals to the OT.

But mixing using a device like an OT that only has two stereo inputs will always require compromises.[/quote]
I have a very direct question for Fleuw, what is it that requires you to route through the Octatrack over a DB4?[/quote]
Not busy…just been lazy :slight_smile: Well why? Because it would be nice have all audio thru the octatrack, sampling, remixing, smaller footprint and so on. Requires is maybe an overstatment…just looking at options to the mixer. But ive have decided to not get rid of my mixer and just keep collecting more stuff :stuck_out_tongue: