RPM challenge

Hey there !

@steveoath on operator-1.com challenged people to participate to (http://rpmchallenge.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=844&Itemid=290")[2016 RPM challenge]. The idea is to create 10 songs or 35 minutes of music during the month of February.

I don’t know if you guys like deadlines or not, but I found it was the best motivator for me, I just can’t get anything done without (or it takes a looooong time).

So here it is : subscribe, and get the thing done ! At the end of the month, you’ll have 10 tracks, and at least some of them to be proud of :wink:

But the key thing is, you cannot do 10 tracks without learning something…
Our toys just got upgraded (or there is still a part of your og that stays in the shadows) : let’s just make songs out of it !!

Who’s in ?

I have signed up!!!

this sounds really good idea … think deeper about it!

I already done that in January … so my goal was, everytime I went to the studio to develop and record min one new idea and do not work again on already recorded tracks / sounds.

It ended up with 10 new track ideas and a remix done. But the great thing was to explore the machines and go deeper into the possibilities. So yeah I think such a challange will force your creativity.

Anyone motivated to participate to RPM challenge 2021?

Looks fun!

Think I’ll use #jamuary2021 to sketch out ideas and record the favourites in Fubuary.

Count me in!

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