RUMOR : Elektron Mixer thing


Heheh. :alien: :heart:


Sign me up :slight_smile:

I wish we’d have seen something like this at Namm.
I decided to mock one up at work right quick.
Need to learn more lighting skills.

Send it to HQ… would be interesting to know what they think of.
Btw. nice rendering… :+1:

Add CV in and out and make those inputs into 8 mono inputs :slight_smile:
Lovely idea! It should be a mixer and seq all in one :smiley:

Nice work! A little more space between the faders and lower row of encoders would be good.

Also, how about usb inputs to take audio from overbridge compliant devices?

i like this one a lot… for next to my A4 and AR

that’s a whole lota fail (for me)…the biggest thing my OT needs is MORE inputs…not to mention it kept the tiny little screen? no way

as someone else mentioned, I would like an OT MKII that could act as my sampler/mixer (including CV/midi)…or just an “elektron mixer thing” to add but I want CV and midi :slight_smile:

CV outs!
Totally forgot, I’ll update the image tomorrow for 8 CV outs.

For those wondering,

It has 8 stereo inputs.
Master Outs
Cue Outs
Aux Outs
Aux Ins
Midi IN, Out Sync A, Thru Sync B, you can sequence ext gear, up to 8 Tracks.
Large LCD screen.
When engaging modes from the buttons on the far right, the encoders behave accordingly.
Each track has analog filters, distortion, and compression.
There are a variety of settings for the filters, I prefer the sweepable LP/HP DJ style Filter.
You have all the same FX as the OT, but you can have 4 FX per track, and these 4 are separate from the Filter, Drive and Comp, those are a given. And you can use a Delay AND the Dark Verb at the same time.
Plus there’s new FX like, stutter/roll, beat jump, rotary, vocoder.
The pads work similar to the AR in regards to scenes and performance mode.
There’s some mode you can go into making the faders work as the cross fader does on the OT, per Track, and the Master is like Master Scene Fader.
Performance mode uses Pad pressure plus all the encoders. It’s like the AR and A4 combined.
All this is somewhat customizable in the “personalize settings”

It doesn’t record or play samples or have any synthesis capabilities.
You know how Elektron is, they dont want a new box competing too much with other machines. It is Overbridge ready though.

OS update version 2 will fix the whine bug and does google searches for people who struggle with that, that will be released in the 4th quarter of 2017.

Awesome idea man. Like Noisebuddy said- send this to H.Q.

would be nice to have scene buttons on the bottom and TOP to lock values to :slight_smile: think of the implementation of the faders like the octatracks

nice work JuanSOLO! If we ever got something like this I would be ecstatic

To be more realistic I look forward for the K-Mix from Keith McMillen:

Also remember this mixer got DNA of the Akai Professional MPX820 and that was 30 years ago in 1985!:

But if you look of the concept from Roland MX-1 that connects the AIRA series via 4 USB ports!

Looks like a good motivation to put Overbridge on MD, MM & OT and just connect via USB on the Elektron MixerBridge machine!

i think so too.
for me, the center hub may contain an ableton style sequencer (8x4 pads), and a joy stick… it may function as a center with midi hub, audio hub, mixer for all Elektron boxes.

Yeah the K-mix is has some cool ideas for sure.
Although I lost my love for goofy looking controllers and having a laptop in my rig, the faders on the K-mix are intriguing.
I’m into dub style mixing, and the ability to fade, or jump to fader positions is cool.
Need to watch that demo again and go over the specs.
It’s so damn ugly to me.

@De wouzer, I was gonna put a joystick on the mock up mixer thing, I guess I felt it would stick up to high and be easy to break off.
Would be cool though.

Yeah, after second look the K-mix falls short in a lot of ways.
No FX, no aux send/return.

there’ll be no end of moaning unless it gets pattern based tempo too :wink:

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Rytm is Swedish for Rhythm.
Unfortunately Mixer in Swedish is Mixer… :frowning:

An Elektron mixer would sell like mad.

Rytm is Swedish for Rhythm.
Unfortunately Mixer in Swedish is Mixer… :frowning:

An Elektron mixer would sell like mad.[/quote]
i thought they were swiss, all along.
mixer in swiss german is “mixr”. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I thought it has a reverb send effekt and compression?