Rytm + A4 sync issue in Logic, should I use an aggregate device instead?

Hi Elektronauts

I have a couple of questions about using Overbridge with Logic that I hope the community can help with…

I am using a Rytm and Analog 4, latest Overbridge and firmware.

  1. I am finding that during audio recording, both the A4 and Rytm are out of sync by a couple of beats. If I switch the plugins to ‘no sync’ and let Logic send clock and transport in Project Midi Settings they sync just fine.

Does anyone else have the same issue when using both A4 and Rytm together?

  1. If I am only recording audio and not controlling the plugin, is there any latency benefit to using the plugin vs using the Elektron boxes as an aggregate audio input?
    TBH I’ve found using an aggregate device much more straightforward instead of having to route the plugin channels to busses then audio tracks. Maybe it’s simpler in another DAW - I’m trying out Logic atm so am open to alternatives for mixing.


Don’t know if this helps, I’m not in my daw right now but in the Rytm and A4 plug-in there’s an option to use logic as clock + transport which will sync both machines via overbridge when selected, works great here, hit start and both in sync.

i dont use logic, so cant help with that. maybe try ableton live as a daw. i think it is the most compatible with overbridge. (there is a trial version and also the light version works for me, up to 16 channels)

also the setup examples in the manual are with ableton live.

in general if using overbridge, it is recommended by elektron, to not use midi sync… in theory all sync and audio should be managed by ob via the plugin…

Thanks for the reply @rob_lee & @nionmu. Using midi sync only works for me, not the plugin sync in Logic. I’m now trying out Studio One and Ableton which seem to be working much better for me. I’ll probably go with Ableton, but I did like Logic’s jumbo UI.