RYTM and logic sync- suddenly wont start at the same time

Suddenly, mid session my rytm decides to no longer start immediately when I hit play in logic, unless Im playing from the beginning of the song. It comes in a few beats late, its down beat a few beats behind. I always play from a measure beginning, usually with a cycle range selected, while writing. Never had this issue before. randomly Ive discovered that if I hit return -3- times (with cycle range engaged) it will start from the beginning of the cycle, like it used to do. Needless to say, thats quite annoying. Midi proj settings clock mode still set to “pattern.”
100% sure I did nothing to prompt this strange change.

…any external device needs a clear one to start along always correctly…if u start ur sync in some mid arrange position, mark that area in the logic arranger with a looped area…that should do the trick…