Rytm Finger Drumming (Any videos?)

I was watching some videos of finger drumming. There are some really talented people out there doing interesting stuff. It’s actually something nice to watch - I still prefer watching a live acoustic drummer, but nonetheless I felt surprised by how interesting finger drumming can be as a performance.

Is it possible to fingerdrum on the Rytm? Are there talented people mastering those tuff pads?
Are there any videos?

With rytm there are performance and scenes, but I never found those performances any more interesting than knob twiddling. They have value too, but more from a sound design/programming/sequencing perspective - a different thing altogether. Where’s the rytm tapping?

Sure, it’s possible. However, I would say that the response curve of the pads are way to hard, meaning that you have to really use a lot of force in order to even get the most quiet sound out of them. This makes it really hard to make, for example, fast repeats.

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Yes, most people seem to set fixed velocity.

I think Jon Makes Beats has started using one with his Octatrack.

Marlow Digs did some videos too.

But not too much finger drumming.

This guy does finger drumming on the Rytm on insta, dunno if he has any other pages tho www.instagram.com/llamarabbitt/

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