Rytm individual out for sidechain compressor

Hi there!

If I use the rytm’s kick individual out to route it to a sidechain compressor, does the kick also still go out the regular stereo outputs?

Yes, unless you specifically shut it off from the mains in the settings. Basically, you can decide either way.

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thanks. that option alone makes the rytm stand out, this will come in handy for sure (e.g. sending the kick to oto BOUM sidechain input)



Can the cue out of the octatrack also be used to route only one track from the OT through a sidechain compressor?

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yes, and its even more flexible than rytm as i see it


Thanks for the reply, what makes it more flexible?

well, compared to individual outs on the rytm, the cue out can be used as a submix as well as individual out, can be switched on/off on the fly etc (in my eyes, not so relative to your application) Something that may sound useful to you, is if you send the cue out to the headphones jack,you will be able to control sidechaining amount via the headphone volume knob


Thanks, one less reason to keep my rytm now that I have a ST

I often use the Octatrack cue outs as a sidechain source for a hardware compressor. Works great. I like to have a submix of synths/samplers all going to the comp and then I squash it hard, triggered by sidechain, if I want that typical pumping/ducking effect.

Regarding the question you had on the Rytm, on whether you can hear the sidechain source or not: With the OT cues solution, there’s a setting called “cue mutes track”, so when you cue a track it cuts it from the mains. You can decide whether you want this behavior or not, but it’s a global setting (applies to both cues).
Another thing is that I don’t return the sidechain if I don’t want it audible. Most hardware compressors have a sidechain send+return (usually a TRS insert cable) – if I want that signal to be heard, I can connect the return to an input. If I don’t, I leave the return disconnected.

Hope that helps