Rytm Mk2 for something besides techno/EDM?

Nice Aphex vibes… way more than just a drum machine.

Kind of a weird beat that turned into something else…

Which eventually iterated itself into…

The Rytm is a time machine.


It can easily do other styles of music

My OT came down with a bad case of brick-itis, so it had to go in for a warranty claim. In the meantime, I’ve been chopping guitar loops on the Rytm. Once you repitch some of the chops and the timing starts to drift, but you just let go and find the groove rather than make the groove, it can be so…liberating.


this takes a while to get moving, but it’s one of the most badass things that i’ve seen / heard somebody do with Elektron instruments (in concert w/one another) … freakin’ massive-sounding, psychedelic / damaged dub robotik–simultaneously taking form and falling apart. turning inside out, every which way


Any gear for any music. Get creative. :+1:t6:
Silos don’t exist.


Pluggin someone elses work again. I found this recently


Finished. I’ve been on a folk-tronica kick recently. This is 100% Rytm, mostly composed of a 20 second guitar loop used in various ways, plus some factory samples (the electric piano and the wonky trombone). I love starting with a granular style pad and seeing where it takes me :slight_smile:


The first 1:30 of this song is one live take on the Rytm. About 80% synth, 20% samples.


Fun tune!

Wonky Trombone reminding me of Mouse on Mars. You should absolutely scope them out if you haven’t heard of them. Niun Niggung is probably my fav album of theirs.

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I’d never listened to these guys before, but I’m enjoying Niun Niggung. I’m definitely adding this to my music library. Thanks for the recommendation!

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This is great.

Could you share any thoughts on swing? Is this just a static swing amount? Maybe different swing steps? Did you do a lot of trig nudging?

Super groovy.

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I actually sequenced it from my DAW (Bitwig) and set the swing to 58% and humanization to 1%. I know every machine has a slightly different swing feeling, this was all Bitwig. I’m not sure how 58% swing on the Rytm would have sounded, i never tried it out, and I would have had to nudge a few things randomly by about 1/192 to get the humanized feeling.

Ah that’s funny. I use bitwig too.

Rytm / over bridge + bitwig is really cool.

All of you out there wanting that second LFO (and thensome), here it is.


it works in studio/hybrid setup and preferably when you sequence from daw to avoid juggling between computer/rytm, but if you don’t feel like turning your daw on then it has to be part of the machine.

Yeah, absolutely not a solution for all situations.

It is hella fun though.

I expand my prophet 6 with additional modulators this easy. Of course they are mono modulations, so you there are some quirks.

One of my favorites being a pseudo paraphonic filter behavior when note number tracking.

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I’ve struggled loads with the Rytm, and after owning it for years, I decided to face my struggles daily, creating a daily upload to really try to break this box in interesting ways.

I’ve done this sort of daily upload before back in 2012-2013 using the Nord Modular, and that changed loads of things for me.

I’ve thought many times to do this, but it’s a pretty huge commitment, but now very much dedicated in doing the same for the Analog Rytm Mk2, attempting to find some interesting sonic territories.

I’m just over a week in and things feel very familiar like with the previous ritual, although already surprised at some results.

Much like the Nord, i am making available each days project saved state so you can grab it, upload to your own Rytm Mk2 and mess about, learn, steal, whatever. No guarantee a new saved project won’t delete old, but based on the YouTube video and link in the description you can grab whatever version suits.

Hopefully it’s useful for anyone considering this machine and wanting to hear something a little more exploratory.

I don’t regular this forum as much as i used to, but reckoned it’s worth sharing this.

I have created a playlist (linked at the bottom) on YouTube so it’s easier to find, although it will be the bulk of the content for a bit I would suspect.

Share it about if you think this is helpful.

Thx :black_heart::purple_heart:

Today’s video:
Analog Rytm DUAL VCO Clicks, Kicks & Dub

Here is the playlist:
Analog Rytm MK2 daily uploads.


Do you plan out things to try in advance? Or is it more a tabula rasa each day?

Pacing is hard post-work and domestics, so i’m curious how others may plan for more easily digestible bits like this to gain mastery )but sustainably!)

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These are fucking brilliant, but I’d expect nothing less!
CY Metal 20 Steps really does it for me! :yum:


So the first time i did this, which was for a year and a few months, i learnt a huge amount. That first time it could get quite stressful and not enjoyable at times, mainly as you mentioned, not everyday is ideal. However, doing something anyway, even if a bit shit, is worth it for many reasons.

As for planning, not really. I tend to start from scratch, but not against using a previous project if i am pushed for time. I might have an idea during the day and maybe have a go at that, but it’s a loose starting point. The end point is whatever sounds good, as there is always tomorrow to try again.

Previously i tried to do too much in one sitting, and that created fatigue, maybe not the same day but it accumulates, and even if tempted to do something super complex, it’s best letting that happen over time or elsewhere. It depends, but for me i like to get it done fast, as other stuff i want to do.

This time I’m just spending about an hour or sometimes a little more, and i try to improve something or do something new each time, but if the upload doesn’t show that then that’s totally fine. I learned that there is much to discover without me trying to show anything and worry about that.

Basically the main thing i do is to remind myself to just focus on getting something worth hitting record for, and document it as much as i can, should I want to go back to it.

The biggest block for me was doing video, i find it such a pain in the ass, but i have found a setup and approach that is super quick. I have the camera settings, lighting ready to go, thumbnail template and Streamlabs setup. It’s very quick now, which is important, as any block just makes it a nightmare to keep going.

The other thing i try to do, is prioritise it for the day, best i can, as it has to happen. Worst case wake up early.

Happy to share anything else you might be curious about.