Rytm Mk2 for something besides techno/EDM?

Appreciate the enthusiasm. :black_heart::purple_heart:

Yeah i do like the more aggressive stuff myself. The CY metal engines are pretty simple but have some interesting potential being so bright so can open up the sketch/track pretty easily.

It’s funny as I popped in here to link the very same content from yourself :sweat_smile:
As per the fx are really integral to the technique and design, incredible restraint and deft manipulations ensuring zero repetition within the unrelenting cycle.
Who needs all those voices anyway? :joy:

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Ah great. I almost didn’t post in here figuring someone might eventually but decided why not ha. Cheers.

As for voices, yeah the quicker i stopped trying to use it as a TR inspired drum machine (as it’s very different) or studio replacement of sorts, and focus in on what I’m hearing, it definitely helped. I’ve also been trying to picture Nord patches in my mind to help me along as well, which is helpful too.


Yeah I was joking about the voices, it’s important to get intimate with the machines and these exercises, experiments and tracks highlight that and are also inspirational.
If I had a Rytm still I’d be all over the files but thanks for sharing them anyway, reverse engineering is fandabidozi!

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This guy doin DnB on AR and modular https://youtu.be/Hr4bStCVPKk

Elektrom pls brimg DT machimes to AR pls


If you get one again get the black one and I’ll trade you my grey one :sunglasses::joy::black_heart::purple_heart:

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Just love glophase, what a Rytm magician he is :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes indeed! It’s like he uses the AR like a SP404++ :slight_smile:
But more than that, his transitions are ace.
This 26:00 video doesn’t get old.

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