Rytm MK2 Freeze/Crash

Hi there!
I’ve got another issue: the unit won’t stop playing after pressing the [stop playback] button. I know that this could be a long release or decay time set to infinite, but I checked everything, and with a double click on the [stop] button, the unit should stop playback immediately.
It happens almost every day. I’ve tried to disconnect USB and MIDI cables, but with no success. I have the latest updates installed.

Also, I can’t backup my projects. The unit freezes after transferring samples from Rytm to Transfer.
I don’t want to be rude, but I think the Rytm MK1 is much better than this version.
Of course, the possibilities that this box can provide are very impressive, but come on, 1799$ for a unit that keeps crashing and can’t even make backups for the project?

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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I don’t think this is a general problem with AR MK2. You should contact Elektron and your retailer to find a solution


Hi, thanks for responding.
Please look at the issues that are specific to the Rytm MK2. I’m not talking about other models. What do you call a general problem? You will see a lot of people whose pads or encoders don’t work.
Also, some people have the problems that I mentioned above. and they bought it from a store like mine.

I’ve never had those issues with my mk2. These things aren’t supposed to happen with your Rytm so I’d advice you to send it to elektron to get it fixed!


Thanks for your response

I’d definitely contact Elektron by creating a support ticket. Or if you bought it from a different seller than Elektron and it’s under warranty maybe contact them as well.

That’s definitely not supposed to happen, and when these machines get locked up or will not back up, usually it’s something beyond a simple fix the user can handle.

Anytime I’ve contacted Elektron they usually start with asking me questions about the device or having me check start up mode menu, and are very helpful.

I’ve had 2 devices fixed for free from rare issues. I’ve had some repaired from just using them to the limit.
They offer great support and so far it’s been affordable

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Thanks for replying.
I hope the Elektron team will help me!

none of these issue happened to me and I’m pretty sure my unit is possessed :slight_smile:

out of curiosity, is it grey or black?

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For whatever reason, support has been a little slower than usual. Just be patient. They will start an email correspondence with someone real you can communicate with.

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Mine is black
it was released in 2021.

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definitely contact support then or maybe check with the retailer if possible to swap it

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I’ve already created a ticket for Elektron support.
Thanks for response !