Rytm mk2 hangs up


I’m happy (almost) user of rytm mk2 for about 3 weeks now, but sometimes I have problems with machine freezing

When machine is in ‘freez mode’ I need to turn off and turn on machine to be able to use it again

I was thinking about maybe it is midi loop because i have connected thru midi a4 mk1 and Digitone but rytm is set for just sending notes and sync data so I don’t think that this is midi issue.

I love to play live on this setup but with this annoying freezing thing i can’t play live

Machines are connected thru usb hub ( not elektron) with my akai force but usually akai is switched off so I doubt that force or hub is making this issue

All machines are running on most recent firmware os

What should I do?



18 posts were merged into an existing topic: Analog Rytm MK 2 Freezes! [2021 onwards]