Rytm MK2 in Ableton via Overbridge has no Effects

Hey guys!

I have the following problem:
I created a livesetup in Ableton to play with the RytmMKII, Analog Four MKII and to more Synths. I connected the Elektron gear via USB and Overbridge and created a track for every voice of the gear. So I created one track for the Rytm and one for the Four with Sends only. Than I created all the other tracks and routed the single channels to each of the tracks. So everything works as I wanted it to, but the effects of the synths are not routed into the single channels.

In the manual I saw that the internal outputs are grabbed before the effects, but obviously I need the single tracks with the effects and I dont want to use the master as one output.

So how can I create a livesetup in Ableton and use the single tracks with the effects?

If you need more information about my setup, just ask. I’m gratefull for every help.
