Rytm MK2 Lock shifts 'creative'

MIght be me doing something wrong.
Having a four beat long pattern, kick track, adding 3 more different kicks to the main 4x4 one as one of those turns out to create an interesting groove, but off-beat.
Wanting to shift this to make the new prominent to beat one, I

  • select all 4 locks by pressing simultaneously
  • hit copy
  • select four empty beats 5, 6, 7, 8
  • hit paste. The locks are there as indicated by steps being lit up
  • using the same copy/paste method, I copy beat 5 and 6 to 9 and 10 to create a string starting from 7
  • select from 7-10 copy and paste to 1-4

I would expect step 1 to contain the strongest kick, but not the case.

A bit confusing at this point, so I did not analyse how the new 1-4 compares to old 1-4, but have tried repeating the exercise, paying attention to which was the new ‘lead’ kik to put it in step 1.

At this point, I will just check what sounds are locked in the 4 steps and rearrange them by reselecting in new order but have two questions

  1. has anyone noticed issues with copying/pasting locks, also with shifting them left/right. Hard to say but something is not right, a 16 step pattern soloed, sometimes gets goofy when shifted left/right. Could it have to do with swing, as it moves (if it does - don’t know yet) with all the rest of locks?
  2. How to rearrange and shift steps to ensure they remain consistent?

It’s best not to work this way

You can copy multiple trigs, even if they are not adjacent and paste those (preserving any gaps)

However, you can only really paste to one location (which if you think about it makes perfect sense)

So if you select more destinations you can end up with outcomes you wouldn’t have pre-empted

if you wish to copy 1 2 3 to 5 6 7

just copy 1 2 3 and paste to 5

Elektron have enhanced this over the years iirc in that you can select 7 then 5 and it will paste this properly

However, if you want to copy 1 3 to 5 7 and you select 5 6 the smart pasting falls apart - you really should restrict yourself to pasting to one position

e.g. Take a pattern with a sound lock on 1

if you copy that 1 Trig and select 5 and 6 and paste, it will only paste the lock to 5 and 6 will be a default track trig

pasting to one position is one way to help keep your copy/pastes ‘safe’

as for what specifically has gone awry with your case it’s hard to know - but re-calibrate your trig management to make it more predictable would be a good starter tip


Makes perfect sense. I was even more liberal in my assumptions but pointing to the leftmost in the string to be pasted is a logical design choice.

I will try out this and what happens when you select them in mixed up order, say, 7, 5 to be pasted to 3, 1.

Thanks a lot.

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