Rytm mk2 not connecting to Overbridge

im on Win 10,

my Analog Rytm mk2 is running 1.50A
Im running Overbridge version

Usb definitely connected properly (Elektron File Transfer & os Upgrade worked fine)

Anybody got a tip for me ?

Have u switched to overbridge mode on the Rytm?
Have you put the vst dll. In your plugins folder?
I’ll help if you give a bit more info

thank you.
no i never heard of overbridge mode, i installed the prog and it said trying to detect device so i figured thats fine.

so just to be clear the os and overbridge version should work together ?
because i just uninstalled the prog …

i did not put the DLL in the plug in folder because i opened overbridge stand alone.

but im only gonna use it in ableton once the connection works so i wanted to do that anyway.

Ok, you might just need to put the Rytm in overbridge mode in
Settings> System > USB Config…

The version should be ok…
It definitely won’t detect it if not in overbridge mode

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Thank You that worked right away.

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I’m having the same problem, and have done everything thats been explained above, however Im still not getting Overbridge to see my Rytm. My Rytm does however talk to Transfer app just fine.

Im running Mac OS 10.14 Mojave. Rytm at version 1.50A. Overbridge on. Cable connected. nothing. Ive redownloaded Overbridge 2.0 3 times already.

Anyone have any thoughts?

The same thing is happening to me. Installed the latest version of rtym OS via transfer, and overbridge 2.0 on my mac. Transfer was fine. Opening overbridge as a plugin in logic isnt recognising my rtym at all?!

Sam1, I also tried upgrading to Catalina, uninstalling Overbridge and now again reinstalled it. STILL doesn’t work. I’m loosing my mind I want Overbridge so badly, I’ve been waiting so long.

Hey man, I managed to get it to work. What I did was shut down/ re start my MacBook. (Not sure if that made a difference), then I went to system preferences - security/privacy. Here I clicked allow Overbridge to run. It seems that some downloaded software is automatically blocked by apple OS and you just need to allow them to run. Hopefully (if you have a Mac) this is all you need to do, otherwise apologies I couldn’t be of more assistance.

Sorry, re read your posts and realise you obviously do have a Mac! Lol. Hope that sorts it for you!

OK, but, where is the place to “click allow Overbridge to run” in the security preferences?

found out where to allow it. its allowed. I then shut down my mac and powered it back on. Still not reading my Rytm mkii.

Oh right, strange. Maybe it’s something specific to the mkii going on then. Sorry I couldn’t be more help

Another thing I noticed…If you’ve been working from home and have to use your company’s VPN to log into work, the VPN might stop usb drives and other usb devices from working. I just figured it out today. As soon as I switched off the VPN, overbridge started to work. Along with usb sticks i was using with rekordbox.

Hey guys… I have the same problem with my Rytm MK1. Well I have this problem since a few weeks so I put the Rytm to the side, because I wasn’t able to figure out the problem. I now tried again when I saw that Overbrige 2 was out. And it still doesn’t work. Went into “Overbridge Mode”, and the OS Settings. I even did a Factory reset. Nothing seems to work :persevere:
I think it must be OS Catalina or something. I had a lot of troubles with the new OS lately…

Uninstall using the included utility, restart, then reinstall the latest 2.0 release.

Hello guys, I hope everything is great.

Did anyone manage to make OverBridge work with RYTM MK2 1.50 and OverBridge 2.0 on the latest OSX Catalina?

Getting real frustrated at the moment.
Same for Analog Keys 1.40

Thank you

Same problem here :frowning:
I am om an Rytm mkI. Also on Catalina. Also version 15A.
Transfer is working when I put in usb/midi mode. When I switch to overbridge, the Mac won’t recognize the device.

Does anybody know how to solve this?

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I solved the problem. I guess what I did wrong was installing overbridge with the Rytm on and connected. So I un- and reinstalled overbridge according to the install instructions, so without the rhyme connected. (https://www.elektron.se/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Overbridge-User-Manual_ENG_OS2.0_200416.pdf) and was able to get it recognized.



Last one was a brilliant tip. Thx! :point_up_2:

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