Rytm MKII Overbridge + Ableton - Pad mutes issue

Hello !

Got a Rytm last week and I just fell in love with it, I’m trying to make it the center of my workflow with some Ableton post recording treatment. :cool:

Everything is working just fine but I have 2 questions on the Ableton + Overbridge setup :
-When I hit a pad to mute a track, Ableton recognizes the hit but most of the time, it doesn’t record the automation. What’s really strange is that when it finally records it after a few hits, it then becomes perfectly responsive and records all mute automations.
-The song mode doesn’t record mute automations at all, when say switching from pattern A01 to A02, Ableton doesn’t recognize any mute input.

Is there a way to make the pads or Ableton more responsive to the mute input automation ?
Is the song mode and it’s pattern mutes supposed to work with Overbridge ?

Thanks for reading ! :thup:


^ i’ve also been struggling with this for many hours now. Not sure if i’m doing something wrong, or if there is something else going on (i’m new to Overbridge, fairly new to Ableton and experienced with Rytm).

I feel like i’m almost ‘there’; it would be great if this would work as i intend to (Record every Rytm mute action on a single Ableton channel and have it played back the way i recorded it).

Also what i stumbled upon, and what i find is super awesome, is that i can record any Perf automation via midi and have it played back (!)

Just need to get these pad mutes to record properly and i’m set. Any advice would be highly appreciated

Wait, so this is supposed to be impossible, or is that old news? Still, i’ve got it to work partially. Bizarre how little info is available on this topic on the internet. You would be able to pump out tracks MUCH faster and more intuitively this way (recording mutes & perfs) compared to the traditional Songmode, which for me is often a major buzzkiller.

(This record mute & automation method increased my workflow by a country mile on the MPC-1000)

edit: i’m on a MKI

Well screw it all this is getting way too frustrating. 2 days down the drain trying to get this to work. Better stop now before i really start wrecking shit. Huge bummer though