Rytm mkii - perform not working?

I’m on beta 1.46. I am editing Perf 1. I am trying to ramp the sample playback volume of two tracks using Pad 1. I hit Function Pad 1, turn some knobs and see the lock indications that I’m increasing the volume. I do this for two tracks.

I hit PERF again to exit the perf edit function. Pad pressure on on Pad 1 does NOTHING. Quick perf knob does NOTHING.

Go back to Perf Edit and see add the param locks are still recorded for Perf 1.

WTF? Is this known to be totally broken in 1.46? I’ve perf locked every single param on two tracks and I can get any perf to work at all.

Am I dumb? Possibly.

I don’t think Elektron had released a version with totally broken performance mode.

It’s not obvious from your post, but:

  1. Are you sure that performance mode is active when you try to perform with the pads?
  2. Are you sure you have selected a performance with [QPER] + [PAD] or [QPER] + [TRIG 1–12] before using the quick perf knob?
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Thanks for the tips and attempt to help.

I upgraded to 1.50A anyway. But as soon as I rebooted after that, taking your tips to heart, I noticed the QPER light was unlit. So I had accidentally muted Performances in the middle of cursing at the instrument. Learned a new feature at least. There are per track mutes and, apparently, a global Performance mute.

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@elektrode it happened the same to me! Thanks for your post, that has, eventually, been a kind of relief after some desperate moment :smiley:

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Same thing happened to me! Thank you.

Can someone explain how do I enable or disable a “global performance mode”?
I am having the same issue and I am making sure to be following @tnussb steps

One important detail I forgot to mention is that when I tap on the quick performance [QPER] button, it doesn’t stay lit.
I’ve always seen it light up when enabled but somehow now is just not activating.

Damn. I just realized I need to press FUNC+QPER. :man_facepalming: