Rytm MKII sampling external through compressor workaround

For sampling external gear through the compressor.

I was sampling some sounds with very high transients and wanted to compress them first to even them out a bit, I wondered if sending the sound in EXT rather than the sampling inputs and setting sample source to MAIN would allow this. It does!

So I quickly set up my homemade knob box to have the knob control compressor mix, you could use a scene with different comp settings etc.

Really handy when doing a sampling session!


I just experienced the exact same (or almost exact:) and wondered if there were threads for this already!

In my case not external inputs, but similarly just found out how good it is for sampling sessions.

I’m currently using Syntakt with my modular with a Bitbox in it. So I was trying to sample some loops from older projects on my other gear. When sampling loops from the A4 I started to realize how compression would be important for this kind of stuff. Some loops were close to digital clipping in the Bitbox but still sounded soft.

Then with the Rytm I thought I’d try the compressor; and it’s so good for this stuff. I’m not super experienced with compression, so I often don’t use the compressor on the Rytm when I use it as full drum machine. But now, with just recording one-track percussion hits or loops, it’s really night and day to hear how much of an effect it has.

Great tool for sampling sessions indeed. After the Rytm and it’s compressor I also ran it through my big mixer for some EQing, and then aux to the Bitbox. I imagine I’ll use Rytm more often for recording some crunchy samples onto the Bitbox.

Just thought I’d share - give it a try!