Rytm only music

Didn’t see a Rytm only thread, so this one is dedicated to music made solely on the Rytm.

Here’s something I made this morning:

Made entirely with wavetables and breakbeats, no synthesis.
Used the velocity to sample start time stretch method on the breaks.
Used Hardcore/Softcore to make the wavetables.
Used Renoise to compose the melody (would be nice to have scales on the Rytm).


so I’ve just googled “Hardcore/Softcore” and the results were nothing about wavetables :confused:
would love to get some info what’s that before I get a virus from all the porn sites…

great idea btw, I see lots of AR in the forum would love to hear other ppl work, like Hardcore/Softcore wavetables :slight_smile:

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Here’s the forum link to the wavetable app:



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Some old 100% Rytm tracks:

And this one is AR-heavy, with a bit of OP-1


All Rytm, recorded into Ableton many years ago : )




RYTM delay circuit overload noise orgy

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I found another one, more recent, with a better sound design and unusal rhythmic signature:

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Reminds me a little of The Black Dog.

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@George_Michael is my all time favorite Rytm-only operator:


thanks my man! I’m flattered!


Sorcery (Merlin Ettore) Rytm performance


Mostly analog, with the only samples included being: Prophet 5 white noise, a boss DSD-2 sampler pedal sample of a short delayed DX7 arp (12 bit), and an sm57- recorded thrift store tiny bronze cup, and Linn LM-1 Kick (layered under the Rytm’s bass tom.)

Using a lot of delay feedback for sound design. I’ve been enjoying comparing it to Syntakt, which has the minor advantage of being able to run its delay through analog filter. Rytm has many other advantages.


Sampled a triangle, my voice making a weird noise, and a cowbell through a Sennheiser MD421 into a Vintech X73i Preamp EQ

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Great sounds man! You make great use of the AR getting everything to sound so massive and warm.

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Thank you for saying that! I’ve been enjoying seeing what is possible… Using velocity mod for granular manipulation of samples, a lot of feedbacked delay on certain steps, recording the strangest samples i can make with my voice or percussion instruments and lfoing the pitch, and using the slide trig shortcut on everything, has been really inspiring to work with. Not to mention the joy of the FM machines, filter pinging, layering, and the rest of what makes the Rytm’s internal engines so great and underrated.


Dope! The vel mod for samplestart finetuning and timestretching has been a revelation for me as well. The Rytm really proved me that being invested in really learning a machine is very rewarding. There’s not a lot this machine can’t do, especially using repeated internal resampling.

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