I’m getting into this combination lately and am generally getting good results, but atm i’m having a crazy issue that i cannot pinpoint. There are loud sounds occurring in intervals. It sounds a bit like ring modulation, not like regular latency sounds afaik. I’ve made a video, perhaps someone recognizes where this problem originates from? Would appreciate any tips on how to get rid of this:
or could this maybe have something to do with the fact that i’m using Ableton Lite atm?
Can you explain exactly how you have things connected, including MIDI connections HW and SW. Also list your buffer size settings, your audio interface model (if not using the Rytm) and your PC/Mac specs and OS versions for everything.
It could be something triggering a rogue track.
Hi, thanks for your reply. It goes like this:
Analog Rytm I, running OS 1.60A goes with usb cable into Mac laptop (late 2012, running macOS 10.13.6) via Overbridge version Ableton version is Live 10 Lite. I don’t use a soundcard. Tried various latency settings, but mostly stick with 256 or 512.
(i included the keyboard in the video to the set-up since a day or two ago, but the problems started before that)
That is indeed definitely strange. Based on your video, it occurs with both the RYTM and the Yamaha synth, is that correct?
Thanks, that is correct. In the video i connected the Yamaha (Reface CP) via audio out to the Analog Rytm EXT audio input
Ok thank you for clarifying. A few more questions:
- Does this occur with the initial state of the RYTM (new project)?
- Does this only occur when audio is being passed from the RYTM to the Mac?
- Have you swapped out the USB cable with another?
- Are you using any sort of USB hub?
Thanks so much! The moment i read your post i knew that you solved it. What i forgot to mention is that i recently started using some kind of USB hub, in order to have more USB inputs for my laptop. I think it’s an oldie, made by Maxxter. I placed it out of sight and forgot about it. I’ve done a quick test and it is obvious that it causes the glitching.
Great news, glad we could get the issue solved!
Indeed, thanks again!
I thought this was going to be a thread about how to achieve weird glitching sounds between a rytm, over bridge, and ableton.
well i must say that the sounds themselves sounded pretty darn good. Like a very fat ringmodulator or something. Maybe i should check and see if these glitches happen in a steady tempo and use 'em haha
You can be the pioneer behind USB hub FX
Haha yes indeed. I think i’ll give it a shot one of these days, see what happens…