Rytm Overbridge USB Streaming - Align To Grid in DAW?


First off, I’m loving Overbridge, however since upgrading to the latest firmware/software/driver, it doesn’t quite align to the grid in Ableton. - it’s always slightly before where it should be.

I’m using the USB streaming for my Rytm on Ableton 9.6 / i7, / Win7 32-bit and I’ve got my audio interface and Overbridge buffers set to 64, although I tried 128 and it was the same.

I know I can correct this using additional audio tracks and track delays but to be honest, because I’ve got so much hardware hooked up, my starting template is ridiculously convoluted already without having more tracks in there.

So my question is… is it supposed to be bang on the grid? I figure it is supposed to without workarounds, otherwise what’s the point?

How’s the grid alignment on everyone else’s systems?
