Rytm play in Polyphonic with one machine

hey, maybe someone knows hopefully.

i once had a special setting on the rytm that allowed you to play two machines at the same time with one step. that means that I use the vco e.g. played about machine one and two at the same time about one. so I could play polyphonically. I’ve tried everything possible to get this setting back, but it doesn’t work. no idea what I had set there. in any case, it was all about rytm alone.

Copy the trigs of one track (one machine) to another track (second machine)?

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right, that’s also a possibility. but it had also worked without copying. Thank you for your feedback signal

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I can’t think of a way one could do two machines on the same exact trig. You could microtime a second trig close to the first and use a different machine on a sound lock…but I don’t think that would be what you’re thinking about…

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not that I was mistaken and copied the steps. in any case, your technique has now worked wonderfully, that’s enough. :slight_smile:

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You could do this with a midi loop (either using overbridge or a midi cable from out to in): set the first pad/track to send midi to the second. You could even set multiple tracks to this same channel.


I had heard of this attitude before. Many Thanks. the rytm inspires again and again and it would be amazing if there were 16 or 18 machines available instead of twelve, then i wouldn’t really need to do anything else about the sound.

Retrokit RK-002 smart midi cable is also a way to do this (never tried it myself but seen it mentionned here a couple of times)

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