Rytm really does magic when pitching down samples

It adds this AMAZING grit to them, only sampler I can think of that does the same is SP-1200! God I wish Octatrack had the same tone, it’s a bit laborious to run multiple longer samples thru the Rytm and record them slowed down but totally worth in.


If you down sample and bit reduce prior to downpitching, even more so.
A bit of planning and pre-production goes a looking way.


Yeah I run the samples thru a Boss mixer or a distortion pedal for extra grit, but I’m sure those methods work as well.

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This is indeed a great way to add magic to samples!

This sounds even more amazing when adding some resonant high pass filter by the way…


I definitely need to explore internal resampling (MK2) more for this very reason.

Pitch something up with a bit of filtering.

Resample, pitch back down, filter some more.



I’ve used this trick on the DT as well to add some lofi magic. One thing to keep in mind is that the low pass filter cuts of some high end even when fully open. I usually add some resonance at the top to boost highs when doing this resampling trick.


Ah I really didn’t realize this. Thanks!

I think I’m going to go make all the filters in my template project default to neutral peak filters.

Pitching down, record them and then speed up again?

Ricky Tinez has a nice video on the Digitakt showing the results of this - also maybe taking it a bit too far :slight_smile: