Rytm recording too early in ableton by a few MS

Hey, guys ok so here’s what we are experiencing.

a delay compensation offset where the Rytms reported delay is 5ms too much so audio is recording ine early, you can fix if your using the RYTM main outs as they go through the channel with the plugin on and you can delay using track delays but when your piping the channels out YOU BYPASS that rytm channel so there’s no way to fix the offset BEFORE you record
so A. its a problem with the reported delay to the host B. you can fix it but only if you use the main outs as the indivudual outs bypass what you use to fix it.

Are they aware of this issue with the latest OB and RYTM versions and are there any workarounds chaps?

I can change the Driver Performance Mode in the Overbridge app to fix this. Highspeed it records in early, Rapid only a tiny bit early and Fast is just behind which is usable. You can only do this on PC tho.

On my friends Mac he cannot fix this problem that way as the mac overbridge panel doesnt have those options, and he cant fix the problem using track delays when he has it split out to individual tracks BD,SD, etc

No one else is having Rytm recording in early except us two?

This is an absolute nightmare for me, i thought after years of trying to get the perfect sync i had sorted it, but this had dragged me back.


Surely if PC users can address the problem it should be an option for MAC users.

Here is the fix for you guys. I struggled with this for a while too.

Hey bud, thanks your attempt although this fix is something we knew about it ONLY works when your recording a stereo tracks.

If you are bussing the outputs out to there own Audio tracks BD / TOMS Etc then it ignores the delay valuer on the rytrm track and of course the delay values on the audio tracks themselves work after recording, so too late.

Thats the crux of the problem - its a problem that occurs when you split the outputs from the RYTM out into ableton.

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I got a partial fix by messing with Driver Performance Mode in the Overbrdige App on Pc until it was late…

There is no Driver Perfromance Mode on MAC so there is no fix for Mac.

Ahh, didn’t realize that it wouldn’t work for the other tracks. That’s stupid

I experienced this same issue and other than recording an extra bar, I couldn’t come up with a fix.

Sorry for resurrecting such an old thread, but I’m having exactly the same problem on a Mac.
Has any solution been found?

Otherwise I will just have to ditch the Rytm and use something vst.

