Rytm volume potentiometer scratchy noise


My Rytm (mk1) makes slightly scratchy noise when I turn Master Volume potentiometer up and down (let’s say from 80% Vol. to 90% Vol.). And I can hear that scratchy noise only when bass or/and kick part plays (I mean low frequencies) and only at the time I turn the Main Vol. knob. Otherwise the sound is all clear. Only headphone and Main out’s are affected (separate outs are fine because thay are not affected by Main Vol).
I have a real headache about this topic and I’m really really trying to find answer what is wrong here.

Elektron support guys were super helpful. My Rytm was in warranty repair three(!) times. At first they replaced potentiometer, second time CPU board and third time UI board. So basically my device is all new from inside, at least Elektron guys told me so (don’t know what else could be inside). And I still have exactly the same issue.

Let it be said that I tested it every way I can imagine. With different gear, different speakers, different headphones, even different physical locations. It acted always in the same way.

Can someone of you guys, Rytm mk1 owners, can reproduce it?

I know I can use it without touching Main Volume (and majority of you also do so), use separate outs and so on. But it haunts me and I want to know where the dog is buried :slight_smile: I want to know is there something wrong with my device or could it be by design?

Do really no one have this issue?

I have it too, it is very soft though. Not a big a problem for me at the moment. Hope it will not get worse though, because the volume knob is very important in my current set up.

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Rytm MK1 owners, please help. Can you reproduce this issue?
Do anyone have any ideas, what could be the cause?

Exactly the same thing happens to me with the new Analog Rytm MKII. did you know anything else about it?

It also happened to me . I have sent it back 2 times at elektron and it was working fine for about 3 months, after that it started doing it again. Also another friend of mine has the same issue both with Rytm and Digitakt at the low frequencies.

Same here, only on low frequencies … I sent it back during the warranty but nothing has changed … I guess that issue is only on few devices ? What do you think ?

Actually just my right stereo output is affected what about you ? Did you guys find a way to fix that ?

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My Syntakt has the problem, will be sending it for a warranty repair soon. They will sort you out I’m sure.


my digitakt has this issue only on the left channel. It’s not getting any better, I’ll tell you that much. long out of warranty unfortunately. I was thinking maybe I should change the pot but if that didn’t help you… I can only say that in analog mixers, if the faders or pots make noise and its not the pot itself, it’s often one or more capacitors that turn out to be the culprit. I’m not that confident in my ability to start ripping apart the board and replacing the components or I’ll just say that even if I did have the confidence, I have too much invested in this particular piece of equipment to take the risk. so I don’t know. could get a second opinion at an electronics specialist who isn’t under pressure to move warranty repairs in and out as fast as possible…

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They are really nice and helpful but I sent my AR MK2 twice (during the warranty) and that didn’t change anything.

Maybe we are focus on the pot and the problem is actually located in one of the stereo inputs (dust or something).

I will try to find a repair shop in Paris (to avoid to send the Device in Sweden one more time) then I’ll let you know !!!

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I don’t know that this many devices all have dust in the same place.

the digitakt and AR as well as syntakt must all have some common components in the input/ output stage. it would be easier to isolate the problem if we knew the parts they all share in common.

I hope you can find the problem just for your own sake. Mine is annoying when I wear headphones, but not disabling the machine, so I can live with it for now.

Me too, I sent it twice back to Elektron workshop and nothing changed after 6 months it started crackling again, but it is only noticable with the headphones. Anyway I learned to live with it hahaha. If the problem is due to capacitors let us know :slight_smile:

So Elektron fixed the problem with the master stereo output (R or L or both) but not for the headphones output, is that correct ?

I don’t care about the headphones output but when I adjust the master volume knob during a session this is a problem because I can hear it on the recording audio … !

No, the problem remains, both at the headphones and the speakers.

Do you know if rytm has a digital encoder for volume or is it an analog potentiometer like the digi boxes? I ended up fixing my scratchy master volume by cleaning and regreasing the potentiometer, but digi boxes have an analogue volume pot. It hasn’t come back yet, but I’ve been waiting to see if it does before recommending the method to anyone. I’m also still ordering a replacement pot just in case but sounds like that didn’t help you.

I think the main volume potentiometer is analog. They said that is replaced 2 times

if they actually replaced the pot twice I have a hard time believing the problem is the pot, but after flushing the pot with electronics cleaner I regreased the area between the shaft and the bushing using these, carefully impacting the grease into the gap from above, and then greasing the shaft and the top of the bushing where it meets the shaft - and since that time the crackle has not returned, however the pot had a wobbly feel and lacked the physical tactile feedback of the factory unit until I used the fader grease which is rather viscous.

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Hi, did get fix the problem with your syntakt ? :slight_smile:

I haven’t sent it back to them yet. They said I can do any time in warranty period (3 years) so thought I’d leave it for now

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