Rytm weird transient behavior

Hello Elektronauts,

I noticed lately that some transients at bd classiC( not the tic the others), the bd sharp wave 2 and 3 are not stable - steady i dont know exactly to describe it seems like that its transient pitch or freq varies and maybe the volume?. It isnt affected by the compressor. Also the hi hat with the rst parameter with a low decay 1-2 has the some behavior.

Has anyone any idea why is this happening?

I am thinking of trying y calibration.

I think I know what you mean, I see some variance sometimes with the bass drums and snares I assume because they use two oscillators, so it’ll be due to phasing I guess? I’ve never thought too much about it, I quite like that character it’s like a free LFO lol

Yes maybe is the phasing, but in the mix sometimes the transient of kick is annoying to vary. I have seen that in other instruments modules mostly but i never noticed that to rytm

Not sure if we’re talking MK1 or MK2. Generally, I think some ever so slight variance is to be expected of such analog circuits (and sometimes even desirable). If it gets in the way of what you’re trying to achieve, maybe internal resampling (on the MK2) is an option to work around it.

Yes there are ways to slove it. At the hh basic if u have on the osc reset remains steady. The bd sharp might vary at the wave 2 or 3 due to the wave form as its seems at the graph. The classic bd might be the phasing at those transients, as the tic remains steady.

I really like that Transfer is so fast. You can leave the usb cable plugged in and then just record into your daw, maybe do some quick eqing, render and load into the mk1.

I never really noticed variations on the kicks, maybe because I mostly use kicks with noise transients (BD Classic or 909-ish samples).
Hard, Sharp and Silky are also single osc kicks, but Silky has the VCO click and Hard and Sharp have the tick transient, generated by a second vco circuit, I guess?

The toms can react pretty wildly, tho! Analog is analog. Letting the Rytm warm up might help a bit. Also the Rytm can be calibrated, though they say to contact support first to check if calibration is needed.