RYTM won't start playing when it receives MIDI Din clock start -Solved

USAMO sends MIDI clock to RYTM, and on RYTM, next to the tempo number, the padlock icon shows that the clock is receiving correctly, but RYTM doesn’t start playing?
Why not?
RYTM used to play when starting to receive a MIDI clock sync , not sure what’s changed.
Any ideas?

You have “transport receive” set under midi config -> sync?

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I thought I did, and I remember trying both transport receive on and off because it didn’t seem to work, but now it does after transport receive is turned on.

I think I had a different problem with another sync setting interfering earlier in a different DAW session, and I tried transport off as a solution.

Well it’s working now thanks bro.

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Okay I think I found the problem:

USAMO plugin has a “Delay Start” button which makes it consistently send “Start” message.
I guess with this delay turned off, the start message gets lost in the starting of the clock somehow.

Anyway, solved.


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