Is sample based FM even possible in any hardware device? Think MAX/MSP can do it. Either way it would make some very outlandish noises. The only instrument which gets close is the Korg DSS-1 which AFAIK is the only sampler to provide OSC sync with auto-bend on the slaved oscillator.
DSS-1 huh? Never seen this one before (giving me GAS already, dayum!)
Blofeld can do it with licence sl, although not a sampler.
Ah yes, hadn’t considered the sample playback aspect of the Blofeld, can the samples be used for FM and sync’d etc?
The samples are used instead of the oscillators, and the Blofeld has a lot of options in the signal flow. I have the desktop without it, though.
Yes you can use a sample as fm source on the Blofeld
Hmmm, Blofeld has just become more desirable…
Blofeld has a very deep synth engine for the price. But keep in mind that you have to pay another 99€ to unlock the sample license for the desktop version (if you want to upload your own wavetables you don’t need this btw). I have the keyboard version which comes with the sample option included and has a very good keybed (but only 4 octaves). I use it as a master keyboard and sequence it with the octatrack in multi mode. Only real downside are the effects, i run the outputs trough a cheap zoom ms70 cdr, which sounds way better.
Yamaha SY99 from early 90s does it if I’m not mistaken.
Roland V-Synth XT…
Damn, I might need to invest into the SL licence after all. Missed the last sales, guess I’ll wait for it to go on sale again…
This didn’t occur to me before, certainly makes the SL licence more appealing!
Don’t forget that even without SL license you can upload your own wavetables. It’s less than full blown samples but makes it nicely customizable too.
Yeah ok, but how do I make my own wavetables? Do they have to be in a specific format & in a specific pitch etc
As I recall it, the wavetables are pitchless in essence, obviously any shape with periodicity played at a specific rate will acquire an audible frequency - but i believe it is about the length of the shape - I made a wavetable synth a long time ago and you defined the harmonic content and the interpolation between shapes was what the soft took care of
all this Blofeld talk has me hot for looking into sorting this out for the blofeld - before licence sl it was much easier to make an editor for the Blofeld, after that came out it was impossible to interrogate the current status as I recall it and even Waldorf’s own sample uploader was a world of pain (or at least chronically slow and it always replaced all if you added just one)
I haven’t bought an editor so i’d be glad to be updated on what ‘additional’ functionality is hypothetically doable remotely
EDIT : Meant to add this link, here
yes someone please shout about the sales on here next time!
Well, now the V-synth is back on my list.
Yeah for sure! Just don’t get hoodwinked by those complete arses that remove the 2 VC cards and sell them off seperately then try to say that the XT came without them from the factory… And still charge you top whack!