Sample Loading Chaos

Hi, I just purchased an Octatrack (second hand) and am having serious issues loading samples.

When I drag and drop/copy files to the AUDIO folder I get various error messages. The first was “cannot copy as the file is in use” but I also get “disk is full” error which then proceeds to eject the Octatrack. It once started copying a file across but jammed straight away. Occasionally the disc structure doesn’t show up on finder and occasionally the project will jam on loading.
It’s also seems kind of slow and laggy - if I go to eject the Octatrack it doesn’t really do it properly - it kind of jams and gives me the spinning wheel.
It’s just general chaos.

I have reformatted the card, made sure it’s plugged in before turning on, synced to card, tried two usb cords, and generally tried everything I can think off. They are wav files of 16 or 24 bits.

I’m using Mavericks 10.9.4 and the Octatrack has the latest OS.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks Andre

Hi Andre,
Initially, were you able to play any of the pre-existing sounds that were on it?

Hey, the guy I bought it from deleted all his samples and there was nothing else on the card (a 16 gig Kingston). I’ve fired it up in demo mode and that seems to work OK. Cheers

…go and buy two virgin cards…always think in two similiar and mirrowed ones and take it from there…get a basic folder structure from the elktron page…

everything’s gonna be fine…but old reformatted, deleted, defragmentaded whatsoever cf’s are THE FUN KILLER NUMBER ONE in the whole ot game…

don’t get started like this…

don’t go for the very fastest…don’t go for the biggest…choose two identical proper ones and keep in mind that 16gb each are already ten planets in the ot universe…

ah, and get rid of that old one…u can never trust it…again…fill cards up constantly…with no way back if u really need stableness…and when there full, they’re full…next one…er, next pair…always think in two…

Surely a formatted card is the same as a new one??

They’re reasonably pricey so am hoping to sort it without forking out more cash.

have you tried formatting the CF card in the Octatrack itself?!

I also had a used CF card which the previous owner formatted on his PC - my Octatrack would not read this and it also didn´t work in “USB Disk mode”.

Yes, I’ve formatted it twice from the Octatrack but still no joy. I’ve tried it on three Macs without luck - I haven’t got a PC to try unfortunately.

Those Kingston cards included with the Octatrack are total crap. I got a 64 GB card shortly after I got my OT a year ago, and set the original card aside. Tried getting the samples off of it a few weeks ago, and the thing is unreadable, despite the fact that it has just been sitting in a drawer for a year. I would get a new card.

get 2 brand new Sandisk Extreme CF cards 8gb or 16gb. do not skimp and get lesser models of Sandisk card. they have been the most reliable for me and some camera sites seem to indicate the same.

a formatted card != a new card. Kingston cards have been garbage for me. it’s the heart of the machine so get the best card and it will work for years.

Thanks for the help so far. I just tried the card with a card reader and it seems to work totally fine - does that mean it’s more likely an Octatrack issue?

Still trying to hold off on getting a card until I absolutely have to.


it doesn’t mean anything that the reader will read the card. “Occasionally the disc structure doesn’t show up on finder”. based on that i would spend the $40 on a card to save a lot of headache down the road. losing a project you’ve put weeks or months into is awful.

also i’m assuming you ran a system check on the OT by holding function while you power on the machine?

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…u can’t start counting pennies here and now…invest.

the card is the essential missing link to all what’s heading for u now…don’t fuck up ur first experiences with this important new step…

if you’re on that small budget, let loose a bit and just buy one new virgin card…
and be picky with backing up…til u can afford another one…well,beeing picky with backing up is always a good idea…so or so…

but ur on pro terretory now and u really better start from scratch here…and do that seriously…as a favour to ur own…

buy urself ur own first, virgin card to get the ball rolling…
and have the balls to throw that pre user wracked up piece of shit in the gutter with no looking back…