Sample Pack library management and loading samples

So I bought up a bunch of sample libraries from Infinite Samples, and AJ Hall, and Mike Schultz…

They are all wonderful, and I was wondering about how to manage them, especially with the use of a sampler… i have an SP404.

So I can preview the sample before i load into the project off the sd card, but the menu system is a little clunky, with having to use the encoder to scroll and back out of the menus and hitting the sub pad to hear the preview of the sample before loading it in.

I was thinking of how to better do this workflow, and I was thinking of using my laptop that has the master sample folder to listen to the sounds, using just the finder window, or maybe using Atlas 2 or XO, both of which I now own on this devastating Black Friday for my finances…

I would love to hear about your work flow and how you preview… doesnt really matter what you use as a sampler… at the end of the day, they are mostly similar in concept, just different in execution.

Thank you!

Just hope these are useful and you haven’t seen them already … I think these are all in the right ballpark.


This is wonderful… thank you very much!

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Condensing the files to the ones you actually like is essential. Atlas is good to make tuned kits.

Yeah, I agree… I just uploaded over 27 gigs of samples and loops and breaks… The problem is curating the ones I like

They are, since I got an iOS sample manager suggestion from one of them, but the actual advice is kinda varied, and makes me realize that you kinda have to develop what works best for you.

@Humanprogram I would love to hear some of your input, as I can definitely see this being a common problem to such an uncommon wizard like yourself

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I’ve started a new chapter in my ocean of samples collected over the years.


Basically connected my entire sample library to it, spend a bit of time selecting 10 - 20 - 30 samples (or whatever) that suit the imaginary tune I’m going to make, save them as a collection and then dump them into my elektron or other sampler and get started.

There are other tools that allow you to do this, but I’ve found great refreshment in not having a full 64GB OT CF card or bulging +Drive of options and instead limit my palette before I start.

As a librarian I particularly like sononym as it gives me some confidence that I’ve already made the decision on the ‘right’ bass, melodic bits, drum hits, loops or pads, etc, at the outset as sononym first gathers together all similar samples for you to exercise your aesthetic judgment over before committing.

As historic OT science labs have proven, you only need one sample to make a banger, but I digress.


Thank you for this… it looks to be a much more comprehesive take on the map modle of XO and Atlas 2, both of which I just bought, so buying a third library system would be hard for my finances…

but once i get into a system, I will definatly try out the trial to see how it stacks up, then pull the trigger if its something that will help me…

What I appreciate about what you said was about already making the “right” decision… very often I do get paralyzed by choice… meaning Ill lose my intention when I start questioning my decisions and start finding a “better kick”

I think Malcom Gladwell wrote a whole book on this called blink…

I also have XO - which excels for drums (I think) Haven’t tried Atlas but it and XO seem neck in neck with each successive release.
Sacrilege I know, but once you’ve heard 10 kicks, you’ve heard them all. I don’t need to library 1000 of them :sweat_smile:

As I’m more so interested in non-drums sample org, I think sononym is very useful.

Loopcloud app is also good, as it incorporates DAW sync and pitch shifting - but many may not like its rental model. Actually I think it might save you money if you had the discipline to pay the fee, use the ‘free’ monthly sample allocation and just buy what you really need… sononym (currently 50% off and I’ve no affiliation by the way other than I bought it) is nice in that it’s a local install with no cloud or post-sales bit

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Right… I see what you mean… I havent even read the manuals to start using XO or Atlas, so I dont know how to use them for longer loops, this is tough… I really shouldnt be spending another $100, but if it helps me in the long run, I want to heed your advice.

You know, I’m going to get it. It seems to have a different management system for samples, and if you used CO, and still find this valuable, then it will be useful to me.

Plus, I was struggling with 24 gigs of loops.

Now I just added another 60 gigs.

Having two programs analyzing different aspects will give me a more comprehensive look at what I have.

Plus, Atlas has the the drum kit function, so it fills a different role than just file management, so it’s not a waste.

No idea here, total beginner with samples. I’ve just been considering picking up the samples from mars pack and am pretty intimidated by the 60gb size, looking forward to reading through on this thread and the links.

My immediate plan was to put the Mars samples on my NAS and test out a few in Drambo, which I’ve been using more and more as a utility, think it’s on sale right now, too.

Yup. I got the Sample from Mars library as well. That’s led me here.

What’s NAS?

And I got Drambo as well.

I read elsewhere that on iOS, Sample Crate is a way to manage samples

Network Attached Storage (in my case it’s a backup server attached to my router). I recently learned that iOS Files program (strangely easier to get to on iPad, but also works on iPhone) is able to browse, save to, and load from local and remote servers just fine

So Drambo automatically “sees” the big hard drive on my home network. Some internet routers come with software that makes NAS pretty easy to set up.

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So I could have my MacBook be a server and my iPad can download from her anywhere?


Hate to be a bother, but do you have a link on how to set that up?

Maybe a good idea for some YT content.

And by iOS files, you mean the native app?

Yes, the native Files app. It’s a big topic, but if your internet router has a USB Host port (the flat one a hard drive might plug into), chances are you can plug in and share an external hard drive on the network, and there’ll be instructions depending on which router you have. If not, there are NAS products usually sold as backup systems (a small computer), or you might be able to share one of your computer drives on your home network (again, method depends on the computer).

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Thank You… This is enough to get me started… i just have the OG Comcast router, so i have to crawl around a look at ports

I appreciate all the help youve given me these past weeks

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Quick question… do you load Synonym into a DAW as a host program, or is it standalone?

It’s currently standalone

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Thank you for the help.