Sample pool vs Sound pool

Can someone please explain to me why there is a SOUND pool AND a SAMPLE pool for use with trigs? Is it just for the sake of quicker workflow, in that you wont have to tweak all the parameters, etc when adding in trigs from the sound pool, over the sample pool? I’m kinda scratching my head as to why i would want to load stuff into two separate pools …

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Be cause of the lack of propert kit system on the dt, using sounds and the sound pool is the easiet way to get consistent sounds across patterns/projects.

many sounds can also be made from a single sample. Like for instance if one uses breaks. Creating sounds off of handmade slices of a break is a good work around for no actual slicing.

There are a couple other reasons to have both I could think of, but for me this is the most utilized reasons.


thanks for the explanation !

Sound pool is specific to the project(limited slots) and allows insertion of samples complete with parameter locks along side current samples on the same track without changing them, without them any new samples inserted would take on the current track parameters. Sound banks are universal and when used replace the current sample with a new one complete with parameter locks, only one per track.



I received my Digitakt few days ago and try to understand the structure. The manual is not really clear regarding the RAM vs SOUND POOL.

So you can have up to 64MB of sample per project loaded from the +Drive. But what about the SOUND POOL? I know SOUND POOL will allowed me to use Sound Lock but I can do this from the SAMP (RAM).

So what is the difference between SOUND POOL and SAMP in (SRC)?

Hey there, this topic is current for me too.
It seems that I have missed something, but I have not found a way to change a sound per trig, only sample - so if you know, please share your experience with it.
Currently, my production with digitakt goes like this: I have an ideas-to-finish project and sketchpad project. The sketchpad project is loaded with samples I have imported/sampled to digitakt. Now, when an idea is accepted by me to become a track, I save all the tracks as sounds, export the pattern and then import the pattern into ideas-to-finish, and there I need only to select the sound from the pool - and digitakt will automatically import the right sample or use the already imported one, instead of me messing with samples (I do not want to clutter this project, as it is a base for a live set).
The samples with saved sounds go to special “sounds” folder, instead of regular sample folder i use for all imported samples. This help me to organise and delete unused samples and not to delete my sounds samples by accident.

I am also open on advise and discussion on this topic, any wisdom welcome!


Oh, one more thing - I do not save sounds with reverb/delay send, as the fx are being changed by pattern, and I prefer to have an independent sound collection. So I work with fx sends afterwards.

Thanks for replying, but I’m still confuse. Now I’m trying to load my Sample I transfer with Elektron Transfer tool to SOUNDS POOL. It’s look like the only way to move sample to SOUNDS POOL is using Sounds from BANK. And I didn’t find a way to move Sample to BANK.

I got it. It’s all good :sunglasses:

BTW, I can Sound Lock without SOUND POOL, It work as well with SOUND Sample (SRC (SAMP))


Why the manual mention that it is only possible to Sound Lock with Sound Pool? I have nothing in my Pool and I can sound lock with any of my 128 Sound in my RAM.

What is the difference between Pool an RAM?


it may be likely that you are mixing up sample locks and soundlocks.


Ok, So SoundLock must be save has a Sound and must be place in SoundPool to be Soundlock. And Samplelock, well you just lock them up to 16 per track like a sound. Right?

The sound lock saves all the parameters of a sound you’ve applied to a sample while the sample. Lock applied all the parameters applied to the selected track

Yes, But it still confusing when they mentionned Soundlock… Sample Lock do exactly the same in a project when you save it. The only difference is the sample lock it’s saved only for the project.

I never use sound locks either, simply because the sounds I save never sound the way I designed them initially because the delay and reverb won’t be the same, since they are send effects.

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No, they don’t. You still don’t understand the difference between a sample and a sound. A sample lock just replaces the used sample, but plays this new sample with the settings of the current sound. A sound lock replaces everything (sample + LFO settings + filter + etc.pp.) for that step.

And of course sound locks are useful. Suppose you want to place a kick and a snare on the same track. You wouldn’t want, for example, the same filter settings for both, wouldn’t you?

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Exactly. And I doubt I will use the same modified sample in a new composition. The option is good but for me it’s not useful for me, maybe for other user.

Example: I create a new project, I decide to edit TRACK 1 only. I decided to pick 4 different sample and added them randomly on every 16 (STEP). On every 16 Step I Can change Filter, Reverb, LFO etc on every 16 STEP, whiteout using the POOL. How you call that??? For me it’s a Sound Lock because I can change every setting that offer the Digitakt…And I can do that wihtoiur using the POOL.

My point since the beginning is you don’t need to use the POOL to be able to do Sound Lock. And the manual mention that you need to use The POOL to use Sound lock.

It doesn’t matter how I call it. Elektron calls that parameter locks and the difference between sound locks and plocks is that sound locks are a predefined set of a couple of parameter locks (+ a sample lock). It’s quite some effort (and a boring task) to plock each and every required parameter on each and every step you want them.

A naming scheme (like sample lock, parameter lock, sound lock) is there for a reason. You cannot simply redefine by yourself what a sound lock is. Can you simulate a sound lock by using sample locks and parameter locks? Of course you can. But then its still no sound lock: it’s a simulation of its effect, but the ease of use is quite different.


Not really, I just copy/past the trigger and it’s copy all parameter (Filter, AMP, Echo…) and I can twist the new trigger the way I want.

I might have to read a bit more on those term. I’m still confuse a bit :wink: I’ll site down and I’ll take the time to read again the manual.

At the end, Digitak is F…g amazing. :wink: