Sample prep

love sampling but I grow bored of setting shit up. I just want to try work with one box. Just load some shit and get to it. whats the fastest way to split a bunch of audio files into 30 second chunks? id just load full albums in but load times. dont fancy doing it manually either

Octatrack, load sample to Static track, create slice grid. Job done!

I am using octatrack but then id be wanting to work with slices within a slice. I dont think theres a way to export those first 30 second slices as seperate files. im thinking of just having a lucky bag of 30 second clips on the CF I can just load and work with

16 bars at 128BPM is exactly 30 seconds if that helps chopping up things in a DAW


Flex track, edit the end point and save the file, repeat. If you’re wanting to do that with lots of stuff it’d be a little slow though I think.

If you are ok stepping outside the OT to a computer, you can drop the sample and its .ot file into DigiChain and get all the slices into their own files in just a couple of clicks? I think doing it in the box might be a bit of a chore unfortunately.

ive solved it, used ffmpeg in cmd. in case anyone else was wondering

ffmpeg -i chopthisfile.wav -f segment -segment_time 30 -c copy outputfilenamehere%03d.wav

write the file path where it says chop this file, change 30 to however many seconds you want files to be and set output name at the end. I threw an album rip in there from youtube and it split it into 137 files in seconds. now just gonna dump them in OT


You might want to add -ar 44100 and -sample_fmt s16 to that so you get 16bit 44.1khz samples, just incase the input isn’t 44.1khz to begin with.

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where would I throw it in? I use ffmpeg for a couple of tasks occasionally I should learn to use it properly but I pretty much bodge together what I need it to do from random forums

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ffmpeg -i chopthisfile.wav -ar 44100 -sample_fmt s16 -f segment -segment_time 30 -c copy outputfilenamehere%03d.wav

That should do it, if you need 24bit audio files, that’s a bit weird with ffmpeg, and sox might be the better tool for that on the command line?

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thanks for that, is it as simple as ffmpeg? never used sox. im cool with 16 bit but I wouldnt mind being able to do 24 bit too. probably ideal actually

It does a fair bit more with audio than ffmpeg and it’s sole purpose is processing audio files.

Something along the line of the following maybe?

sox inputfile.wav -b 24 -r 44100 -c 2 -t raw - | \
sox -t raw -r 44100 -b 24 -c 2 - outputfile.wav trim 0 30 : newfile : restart

legend I’ll give it a try later

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