More Noob questions
I’m having an issue with sample not saving to track
I assign a sample to a track, then save project and pattern
But then I return to track from those menus and the sample has reset itself
Or I save the sample, go into lfo menu and then play the sample and it has reset itself to original sample
I’m really struggling to understand the flow of Elektron
Hey, what exactly are your steps? You hit the track button, hit the sample browser button, browse to your sample and then press down the orange knob to confirm your selection, right?
Yeah exactly
I can get the sample loaded to track
But when I go to save it to the project or pattern or go to lfo page
and then play that track, the sample isn’t there anymore
I’m not sure what’s going on as I’ve managed ok on other times
It’s just frustrating as shit when you repeat the same steps as before, but get a different result