Sample Transfer Issues

So, I’ve done a lot of googling/searching and have found many people with many issues regarding transferring samples to the MD, but none of the solutions offered have worked for me. I’d like to layout what I’m doing and see if anyone can pinpoint a fault in my process. Appreciate any help.

Turn on MD
Open C6
Drag one wav file to C6 (44.1khz, 40992 samples, 1 channel, 24 bit, Loop off)
[I have also tried with one aiff file (44.1khz, 33169 samples, 1 channel, 16 bit, Loop off]
I open ‘config’ in C6
Ensure the TM1 is highlighted in MIDI IN and OUT
Enable SDS handshake, Use Extended SDS, Send SPS-1UW Name
I’ve tried a range of delay clicks from 5-100
In main C6 window, Turbo is clicked
I then highlight the file I have already dragged
On the MD, I go to Global File, Sysex Rec, and go to ‘Spec’ and set it to an unused Kit.
I then click “Yes” and it says “Waiting”
I then hit ‘Send’ in C6.
The file acts as if it’s being sent (the progress bar moves).
I see the TM1 has Turbo lit continuously while the “Out” led is blinking consistently while the progress bar is moving.
MD still says ‘Waiting’
After C6 finishes transferring the MD still says ‘Waiting’… forever…

My MD OS is 1.63 and my C6 is 1.51 - I use OSX 10.9.5.

If someone can help me I will be very, very grateful.


Also, I use the TM1 and these midi cables almost daily for use with Logic and have yet to have one issue, so I know the computer>TM1>MD can talk in either direction and that the MIDI cables are working fine.

I’ve sent out an inquiry to Elektron but haven’t heard back. Hoping someone here might be able to help, please

Try with close loop :
Closed loop needs both the MIDI IN and OUT ports from the sending device connected to

the MIDI IN and OUT ports of the Machinedrum UW.

Also it’s better to batch your sample before at 12bits as far as i remember :wink: and rename with 4 characters like BD01.wav CP02.wav TOM1.wav etc… or LP01.wav for Loop you need to find the best suitable name convention
All sample speeds from 4 kHz to 48 kHz are accepted and handled by the Machinedrum
UW. Higher rates are accepted but the samples are downsampled to half the
sampling speed. The Machinedrum UW does not handle stereo samples. All bit

depths are accepted but will be played back at 12 bit.

And uncheck Extended SDS

Do you try to get in the global edit page then sample mgr and click on recv then send via C6 software ?

Normally MachineDrum do mention NOT WAITING when you load sample BUT RECEIVING SAMPLE. Then you should see the sample in the sample mgr window

IF not work try to uncheck all SDS Handshake / Use Extended SDS / Send SPS-1UW Name

I remember that somehow problem comes from wrong box check (usually Extended SDS and SDS handshake when not using close loop method)

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+1 on enabling MIDI out, easy mistake…

Thanks, guys.
My problem must have been: “uncheck Extended SDS”
Last year wen I first tried using samples on the MD (since then I’ve just been into synthesis), Elektron support told me to enable this.
I can now transfer samples to my MD, so that’s great.

However, sometimes I am getting ‘Chunk Size Error’. This is very weird because I am using Goldbaby Sample Packs, all of which conform to the same bit rate, sample speed, etc (I can transfer some easily and some give me this Chunk Size Error).
I even adjusted the filenames to be 4 characters and only use letters and numbers. I’ve found some info online about Chunk Size Error and someone said it was an issue with the samples ‘header’ and by opening in Wavelab (which I don’t have) one could edit it, resave it, and then C6 would transfer it fine.

Can someone help me with this ‘Chunk Size Error’ issue?

Greatly appreciated!

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c6 is picky when it comes to the format of the wav files…
the files need to conform precisely to the RIFF/WAV format.
some programs are more robust at reading these files.

maybe there’s some meta-data or something which c6 can’t handle…

convert your files to 16 bit little endian mono before sending.

sample rate shouldn’t matter as long as it’s 48 kHz or lower.

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When I try to transfer downloaded syx samples with c6 it stucks in about 002240 - 002280 all the time. It says receiving, but nothing is happening. I am using pc and the md is connected directly to my soundcard with brand new midi cables. Any idea? :sweat:


I have just set up the delay in c6 to 50 ms and it works perfectly! :content: