Samplelocks for MD?

Hi there

I’m wondering if it’s possible to use diffrent “preset” samples in the MD UW in one pattern, like soundlocks on the A4? I know it’s possible in the sample manager to copy and paste samples, but my “samplebox” is allready full, but i would like to make use of the sample that comes with the MD.
Hopefully my question is clear.

Thanks a lot.

You cannot p-lock the sample on the MD, since the sample is selected with the machine you chose for that track.
This was introduced on the Octatrack first.

Hmmm i think then i have to sample the md samples into OT.
Is there a way to make this with my mac? If i connect the OT to the computer a folder apears. Is there a way to do this with the MD, so i can drag and drop samples?

Either that or use an interface like the TM-1.

If i connect the OT to the computer a folder apears. Is there a way to do this with the MD, so i can drag and drop samples?

Not a MD feature. Read the manual under Globals -> File, and learn about C6.

I’ve got the TM-1… so how i have to connect it with the OT? MD midi out into TM-1 and then Usb out into OT usb?
And then how i do this exactly? Sorry, but i’ve never done this before.

You can actually kind of do this.

Put more than 1 sample into a wav file, transfer that to your md, put it in slot 25 or above, and then use the start/end offsets to access different samples via p-lock.

You’re doing it wrong. You connect the TM-1 to your computer and you connect both midi ports to the md. Then you load up C-6. Anything else I type will be coming straight out the manual, so consider looking at that.