Samplers! This Site Finds Specific Words From Movies

It then plays a short section of the movie with that word or phrase in it then moves onto the next movie scene with the same word/phrase and you can download the video or you can just record it however you do it while the searches are playing.

Good for mixtape fodder, sticking over your tunes, video mashups etc.

Limited to 5 searches I think but join his Patreon and you get unlimited searches sand it’s only a few quid. There’s an app too but not tried it yet.


Such a great idea !


This along with the latest Koala iOS update/easter egg is a goldmine!


For a show with video this could be fantastic !

I wonder about usage rights ?

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Uhhh been wanting some samples from films and this just makes it really easy to search something in “theme” of the song!


@jukka I’d imagine the less said about that the better :sweat_smile:

@joaehun Yeah it’s perfect for that kind of stuff. My mate makes themed mixtapes and I do some sound design for it and it’ll makes it really simple to get loads of the same words or sentences about a particular subject/word/theme :ok_hand:

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This is awesome man!
Thx :pray: a lot


That’s so cool, thanks !

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done this for a long time but for free Time stamps movie quotes and you can just easily find almost any movie online
…legally of course


Wow, this is cool.

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This made me smile. I typed in the word Dandy and in a second 17 results. Incredible

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This is so cool :heart_eyes:

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But what word hmmm?

Forgot to mention you can also share your searches and whoever receives them will get all the recommended clips too with word.

I’ve tried to reply to @J_C_SelectorV2 with ‘selector’

Actually a good idea !

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This is really cool

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Great find, thank you!

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this is dope!

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Very cool

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thx for sharing

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