Samples - download link experied


I ordered some samples, the Divine 909, Straight 808 and SID redux - and forgot to download them, because I was 10 days on holidays - which was very nice actually.
Now back home, I see, that the link expired and ask already in the support without any answer (3 days ago).

Is there a way to reactivate the Links?

Its quite sad, that I do not have access to the samples yet :wink:

Has anyone this experience before? And why does the Link expire - in general I think its great to have it always there as backup - like other softwares (luxology modo) where I always have access to my serials installer and registered content in my customer zone…

no answr yet :frowning: no access to my payed samples - send request over the elektron site, 5-6 days ago, no answer yet.
I mean, maybe my fault that I have not downloaded them directly, but nowhere is said, that the link experies – so 45€ gone?

just called physical elektron and problem solved within seconds – it can be so easy, :slight_smile: