Samples longer than loop-length

I´m a newbie here and trying to dive a little deeper into tht OT
which is a bit of a pain in the bud when you come from aprox.
15 years history with MPCs… :slight_smile:
But I guess the question is simple and the pros here can tell me
how things are rollin´…:
I use pretty regular samples that are longer than the loop length
of the track I´m working on because that sample includes the
release-flag of a reverb or the final ringing of guitar-chord.
But when I put that sample on a track I can only have it played
once in full as a one-shot. But I would like to have some of those
samples played in repetition (in full)!
The manual says that the trigger on the next round will stop
that sample… :frowning:
So is it right that the only solution would be to swap between
two tracks on every round the loop goes?!
Or is there something I missed which could be the case easily…
Any help, info is very welcome.
Thanks in advance!

The OT features monophonic tracks, so this is what you get !
There are many ways to get around this issue of course, but using 2 tracks is certainly a good one !

The OT features monophonic tracks, so this is what you get !
There are many ways to get around this issue of course, but using 2 tracks is certainly a good one ![/quote]
Thanks for the info and thanks a lot for your helpfull videos ! ! !

I’m not sure but if I understood correctly you want to do the following:

Use two tracks in an unused Bank (some people use for example the last Bank as a “scratch pad” which I think may be a good idea) to get the sample’s tail and start to overlap, and resample that. Then you will have two versions of the sample; the original one and one that is the same but has the tail in the beginning. Now you can effectively overlap them using just one track in you original Pattern.

…interesting solution…

Gonna try that for shure. Because I actualy don´t like the idea of giving away one track for the result I´m looking for as there are only 8 audio tracks…


Yes I agree that using an extra track should be the last option. If you did that you’d also lose coherent control over the sound’s effects.

In case you have a sample longer than 64 steps you can set the pattern track length ‘per track’ and play with ‘scale track’ and tempo multiplier. So your sample longer than 64 steps can loop i.e. over 128 steps.

Edit: See the OT manual p. 94 for more settings details.

I found out about that but not shure
if I made full use of this knowledge…
Thanks !