Samples per track

Hi, I’m probably missing something on the manual and on forum but I don’t know how to assign specific samples to specific track. I want assign 5 samples to track 1 and another 5 (completly diffrent) samples to track 2 (for lfo sample slot purposes) but it looks that settings/samples page allows to manage samples for the whole project only. On other words, I would like to remove and add some samples on a track level.
All the best for elektronauts :slight_smile:

You only have a sample pool (project wide) and can assign one sample per track …or p-lock a sample per step. That’s the design.

You can prepare a lot with filenaming though.

E.g. name your samples like this 01-kick, 02-snare … 08-synthrythm in one folder - then arrow right select all … load to project.

Then you could use ctrl+all to change all samples for all tracks at once.

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If you want to experiment with LFO on sample slot, it is a little wonky.

Maybe there is some precise explanation on how it works, but I haven’t figured it out. There’s some weird rounding up/down on the numbers going on or whatever.

What I usually do:
First of all, all the samples that you wish to cycle through need to be loaded “in a row” without any gap inbetween. Switch the LFO to squarewave, put the depth to somewhere around 2 and see which samples are within the LFO range. Play with the sample slot and the LFO depth to get the range of samples that you wish.

Then switch from square wave to random wave or whatever.

It’s also (roughly) the same workflow as the OT and AR.

One way to approach this is to create and use sample chains. But getting them to work properly is going to be pretty artisanal…

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