Sampling recording.....but not playing back with beat

Last night something odd was occurring. I recorded a sample with the RAM record machine. When I played recorded sample back on RAM play machine it was fine. When press record, added sample to track 1, and pushed “play” Sample would not play with the song. I muted all tracks put Ram p1, all I heard was a hiss. It was as if initiating record erased my sample every time. I messed around a bit and had the same order of results every time. Has anyone experienced this? And what did you do to correct this record play discrepancy?


Edit. Sorry didn’t read the question properly…I’ll try again

Any time you trigger a R-Ram it overwrites the previous recording. Are you sure your not triggering it by accident either in the sequencer or manually?

^ this…

I’m sure no overwriting is occurring, I’m familiar know that happens each time you sample. The sample is recorded. I can hear play back through Play machine. Next I go to add sample and un mute other tracks and all of a sudden the sample is no longer there. I mute all other tracks, push play again l and the sample is actually gone. All I hear is a hissing sound. Its confusing the hell out of me.

Just to clarify, what do you mean by “add sample” ?

I’m asking because the Ram Play machine is what you use to play back the sample while it is situated in volatile ram. So I just want to check that you are not expecting it to show up automatically in a rom slot. For that you have to transfer the sample from ram to rom first. …

Before you can add the recorded sample to an empty slot, first it needs to be copied form Ram to Rom so it shows in your sample bank, is this what ya mean? Maybe I’m missing what you are asking :confused:

How are you triggering the ram recorder?

And this is what I have normally done in my short, but successful time sampling on MD

1.) Choose Ram record 1 tr 16
2.). Choose Ram play 1 tr 15
3.) I trigger sixteen to sample audio
4.) I’ll dial down to 15 to listen to audio I sampled.
5.) I start pushing record and add sample to track 1 so I can hear it with pattern.

Before yesterday this was working fine. I have I level up to where it needs to be. Start/end to. Now however, when I follow these same steps, there is no sampled audio playing back with my pattern.


tbh I had situations like these a lot with the Inputs… no sound, and to this day no idea why.
possibly it was user error sometimes, but pretty sure the MDUW has a bug or two in there :]

reboot might help… also try loading an empty kit and see if this works…

This is the bit I don’t understand at all?

^^ Me neither. I would guess this might be where the problem lies. Tracked ?