Save clock setting

Had a search. Couldn’t find this question /issue

Each time I use an instance of OB, I have to manually set it to receive clock (it’s usually in tempo).

Anyway to save the setting so clock is always selected?

It’s not a massive issue I guess, just a bit of a pain when hitting record, and then having to stop to go back into and turn it on


Huh. It just stays where I last left it for me, never made any special setting…

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Thays what I thought.

On mine I have to set it everytime I use it.

How strange.

I also have an ‘issue’ where when I have an ext in R, it shows as L, and vis versa. That’s been reported as a bug.

Another issue, which may be connected

When I load a new midi track and OB straight from Push 2 in ableton, I get the following message

It’s the most recent a4 and OB firmware, the ableton version is the most recent.

Thays three separate issues I have found with my set up and OB.

1st is when inputting external audio, in OB it says L when it’s in R and vis versa

2nd is clock settings not saving

3rd is the jpg above.

Probably should add these to the bugs list.