Save Parts Correct

I dont understand it. Even with some topics here in the forum.

My setup is
Pattern A1-A4 = Part 1
Pattern A5-A8 = Part 2

Actually I use only Pattern A1, A5 …

If I now want to Change the Volume of an Audio Track. I save the Part. But if i Change the pattern, and go back to the pattern i changed and saved something. It is lost again.
If i press function and Cue (reload) it loads correctly. What do i have to do tho save this changes to this part. Ahhh.

Thank you
Best Dirk

Part settings don’t change after last modifications, saved or not.

Saving parts allows Reload, that’s all. There is no auto reload.

Did you modified a pattern sharing the same part ?

Ok. So normaly i dont need to save the part?

I tried it now: Changed the Volume of a Track. Swap to a different Pattern, with different part. Again the Change is not saved.

I dont think that i modified a pattern with the same part.

And Parts are per Bank, right? So in total i can have 4 (Parts) x 16 (Banks) = 64 different Parts, or?

Thank you

Hm. Now it seems to work again. If reloaded and switched the project many times. And the settings dont need to be stored. Hopefully it stays like this.

Yes. And unfortunately you can’t use parts from other banks.

I don’t, except if I want to tweak live and use Reload. But apparently most of people prefer to save parts. It is another level of saving.

You can save parts, banks and projects.

On the card files, parts are saved with banks, which are saved with projects. If you save the project only, part settings are also saved, but you can’t reload parts individually.

If you save parts, it is safer to save the project after, because if you reload the project with an older state, saved parts are lost.

For me saving parts systematically is a worklow killer.

You can also save/reload current bank only instead of whole project, if you worked only on that bank without project settings change.

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Thank you for your detailed information. Now I know how to work properly with parts.

Actually, for my workflow it would be easier with a more „traditional“ bank/pattern system like the rytm and the four has.

But as long as I know how to work with it, everything is fine.

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