Save Trim as New Sample?

Third day with Octatrack, finding my way around, but I’m wondering what’s up with this.

At the very end of the audio editor section of the manual, on p. 86 it says:

If you want to save a sample captured by a track recorder, open the recorder buffer in the
audio editor and use the SAVE TRIM AS NEW SAMPLE or the SAVE TRIM AND AU-
TO-ASSIGN commands.

I have a recorder buffer open in the audio editor, but I’m not seeing these commands anywhere. I’d already done some saving of recorder buffers, opening in audio editor, trimming then saving, or trimming, cropping, then saving before I read this. Seems like it might save a step, if I could find it in there anywhere…

What version of the manual do you have? Seems like an error.

I have the OG printed manual that came with my octatrack bought in 2015.
P 100.
You want audio editor, edit, yes, then save selection as sample

Im on OT mk1 OS 1.40a


AFAIK these commands don’t exist. Also curious about where did you find this…

Edit : Yes it is in the last manual.
Seems a weird error indeed.

The TRIM selection become EDIT selection automatically > SAVE SELECTION AS SAMPLE as said @Microtribe

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At least some people read the manuals ! @darenager @clancy you confirm it is an error in the manual ?

Maybe it should signaled in Documentation thread. @eangman ?
(Edit : Done)


Never noticed that cute auto prefix before…
(after save selection as sample)

“SAVE TRIM AS NEW SAMPLE” and “SAVE TRIM AND AUTO-ASSIGN” are old functions and are now replaced with “SAVE SAMPLE COPY” and “SAVE AND ASSIGN SAMPLE” respectively. The latest manual needs to be updated.

From OCTATRACK_OS1.40B_readme.pdf, “List of changes from Octatrack DPS-1 OS 1.11 to 1.2”, page 26:

SAVE SAMPLE COPY will save the complete sample as a new file. Note that also audio outside the trim section is included. The previously available “SAVED TRIM AS NEW SAMPLE” is no longer available. Therefore, in order to save only the trimmed section, you need to use the CROP offline operation prior to saving the sample. Alternatively, you could use the “SAVE SELECTION AS SAMPLE” on the EDIT page if you prefer not to crop. This option is not available on static sample slots.


Well done @error.eyes !
Appropriate profile name. :content:

I didn’t remember these former commands.

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They seemed familiar to me. I guess I mentally updated the manual before Elektron did.

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I find it useful. One use - I’m often cropping down from minutes-long to seconds-long - and actual cropping takes ages. Pulling out these ‘cuts’ is a lot quicker.

Note they are independent .wavs - not with accompanying .ot files


OK then, I wasn’t going crazy. :grin: :grin:

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