Saved kits disappears

Hi everyoe I bought MD UW few day ago. I really impresed sound but…

There is couple things I really don’t understand and manual doesn’t helps

I making beat and save my kit. Kit is saved I can switch to another kit no problem, but when I change snapshot and return to the previev snapshot kit which I saved disapear, why ? I just saved kit so why kit is not there ?
I return to same snaphot whre I saved kit of course :slight_smile:

Another thing I don"t know is how to choose samples from diffrent snaphosts and save diffrent samples from difrent snaphots in new snapshot, I want to do this beacause I think I can not change snaphots on the fly when play live.

I will be gratefull for your help!

Peace !

Changing the snapshot is the problem. Save the snapshot first and your work won’t be lost.

THX ! :slight_smile: