Saving Kits per bank

I thought I knew most what I needed to know with kits and I do understand most of it,
but… I was only making songs per project now it’s bit different.
And think may have got a bit confused because the Octatrack works with parts per bank
So Now I’m starting to dive deeper and I’ve started making songs per bank across
The Octatrack, Analog four and Analog Rytm.

So I have saved a new kit on the first pattern, “pattern 1” of each bank of the A4 and AR
The machines are linked to change patterns together
And that is all well works fine.

When I change bank to the first pattern is %100 going to be the correct kit
Then it follows the same kit through the bank as I progress through the patterns
But if I change bank different pattern rather than 1st linked pattern it could possibly go all wrong

Do I have to save the kit to every pattern I use in a bank
to link it to all the patterns to a kit in the bank?
If I haven’t copied a pattern across it could be on the wrong kit if it stays on last active kit

If so how do I do that?
do I save the same kit to each pattern in the bank or do I load it to each pattern?

Any advice appreciated cheers!

Every pattern is usually linked to a kit. If you didn’t save the kit for the actual pattern, it has no connection to a kit and will just use the last kit saved with a pattern when you switch patterns.
The analog four has 128 pattern and 128 kits. i usually save my pattern with the corresponding kit at the same slot the pattern is: i.e. Pattern A04 - Kit 04 (A04) or Pattern B05 - Kit 21 (B05)…that way i can’t get confused which kit is used or maybe accidentally overwrite a used kit when changing sounds on a pattern. this is just my way to keep organized.


Cool thanks, I do get that bit but, I want to use a kit over a whole bank.
So I guess I must have to do the same procedure and hit save kit 1 to each pattern of bank A
Then they will all share the same kit

no you can use just one kit for all as long as you don’t change parameters or sounds. just leave the kit slots 02-16 empty and save the next kit in bank B starting with kit 17. that way you’ll not get confused. just my 2 cents

I know what you mean but I’m working on a few different tracks at the same time across different banks.
I don’t want to have a kit per pattern, if I don’t save the same kit to each pattern I could potentially mess up.
I want to be able to swap out a kick drum and adjust volumes etc across the whole song in all the patterns in the bank.

I’ll try saving the same kit across the patterns for now and see how that goes for now
So it sort of works like the Octatrack

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Can you do this? Or does it save individual setting per pattern pr something? I’m slightly confused about kits/patterns too.

I found it helpful to look up (in the manual) and to make myself a list of the parameters that are saved with the kits and the ones that are saved with the patterns (or with the project).

You mean certain params get saved with kits while others do not, like some params only get saved with patterns, really?

The general trig settings, for example, are saved with the pattern (and not with the kit) and can impact how a specific kit sounds in the context of that pattern - by setting trig-level note pitch, velocity, length, synth/sample on/off, envelope and lfo retrig mode.

EDIT: I just realized that I was writing about the AR, not the A4… So, instead of trig menu, this concerns the note menu. No synth/sample settings, obviously, but retriggering of envelopes and lfos.

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