Scale per track

I’m a bit confused about scale per track. Haven’t used the DN in a while and want one track to move much slower through the steps. However when I scroll track 3 scale down to 1/8 it’s only moving through 2 trigs and resetting. If i return it to 1x it goes through all 16 steps but at the speed of the overall pattern. Having a bit of a brain fart here, can’t figure out what i’m doing wrong

The scale setting is the tempo multiplier.
1x=original tempo resulting in 1 step being 16th notes.
1/2x=half speed, 3/4x 3/4 speed which results in triplets.

Check the manual :wink:


yeah i know i know i’m just confused as to why when i reduces track scale it only let me move through two steps in the pattern

You need to adjust the Master Scale length. It’s all fraction based math. i.e. if you have “1/2” scale, you need twice the amount of steps to get the full pattern. 1 scale at 64 master = 1/2 scale at 128 master


Ah, now I get what you mean^^
Then check master length.

If you slow down tempo, you need to increase master length.

By using 1/8 scale you have increased the master length required by 8 times, so 16 steps at 1/8 would take the same as 128 at 1/1. Raise your master length to 128 and it should play all 16.
e2a just like MasterLeader.

makes good sense. thank you all

I always run master sequencer length at INF for my digitone and octatrack. That way I get true polymeter, and interesting interactions between different patterns.

Setting a different scale per track wont work unless the master sequncer length is long enough to accommodate the scaling, as mentioned above.