
It would be great if when you hold a scene button that it could have defined name pop up on the screen.
Although I cannot see any new OS updates being released for the Octa it seems to be forgotten about.

Nice Idea ! There are so many things at the OT I would like to give names in the display…
I don’t think there will come much more OS Updates. Some bug-fixes maybe…

Would be nice if could appear someone like JJ OS on Mpc with some nice OS for Octatrack :+1:

People keep bringing JJOS up… thats really an anomaly…

People keep bringing JJOS up… thats really an anomaly…[/quote]
I know, I’m ranting again like in the vocoder-thread, but we should really make a sticky post like
“Elektron will not update the OT anymore, stop the wishlist-threads!”