Science Lab Challenge, February 2015

This sounds like a lot of fun. Reminds me of the mixits back on em411. Can the winner ask for a Sidstation or an SFX-6? :wink:

oh the sample…Hector comes back sometime! LoVe


I’ll try to be in.

[nice to see you back Skab!] :heart:

Hello, I’m very excited.
I’ll do the challenge on my OT.

One question thou.

Should I just play it thru without touching anything while I’m recording?

Or can I manipulate(mangle) the sample while I’m recording?
For example, using SCENE , PARAMETER or CHANGING PATTERNs etc.

Because, this wouldn’t get printed on the SYSEX files, would it?

thank you so much.


So i can load the sample on all 8 octatrack tracks and use it that way right? or can you use the sample only on one track?

This has already been discussed in the thread.
Yes you can manipulate the parameters on the machine while you are recording the track.

i understand that we can’t, but is there any reason as to WHY re-sampling isn’t allowed? of course that lends some advantage to the octatrack and in some respects machinedrum, but there are the three categories. live re-sampling on the octatrack is my favorite technique. just manipulating a single sample is a bit boring. :slight_smile:

Yes that boring, that why it is interesting ! It force to go deeper :smiley:

hello, I have a MD UW
someone can explain how to save the SYSX?

MD for me then, sounds fun, thanks…

“The entire track must be created with one physical machine and only using the sample (i.e. no synthesis allowed)”

You lost my interest at this point. No synthesis? Good luck doing anything interesting with that sample without using any synthesis at all. This ruleset also hobbles any RYTM users as opposed to OCTA users. But hey whatevs.

I put that one sample on the first 7 slots of the flex-machine and use track 8 as master. That´s OK, isn´t it ? Or may I use only one slot ?

Nooooooooo, watch this:

You’ve got 100x more power in the Octatrack and the sample is very rich :wink:[/quote]
That example is FULL of synthesis.

I think you are misunderstanding.

You can tweak and manipulate the sample as you wish. Which actually means ‘synthesizing’ it. But the rule explains that only the sample can be used as the source for the track - for example NOT using machinedrum synths or rytm’s analog synth engines.

And if you check out the youtube clip for the science lab, you will see that the sound is nothing like the sample itself.

You will need to send the SYSEX data over machinedrum midi port to a computer. C6 software can record the sysex. Please check the manual for further info.

As long as you are using the provided sample as the track sources, it is within the rules.

To me “no synthesis” means.

[li]No use of oscillators[/li]
[li]No use of lfos[/li]
[li]No use of envelopes[/li]
[li]No use of filters [/li]

No I’m sure that isn’t what electron means when they say “no synthesis” but really they need to be more specific and say “no using the synthesis machines in your box”.

You can use LFOs, envelopes and filters. And use the sample as an oscillator.

Yeah I know. I’ve read the tread and the many clarifications now.

Wouldn’t if have been easier to say that in the first place :wink:
No synthesis my ass. No use of analog oscs in the RYTM or non samaple machines in the machinedrum is what you mean :slight_smile:

really the OT still has the advantage here.

I spent an hour and half just making some sounds on my AR. I had saved the kit and tracks but then I accidentally screwed up the clap. which in retrospect was least favourite sound. Well, I couldn’t remember how to reload the track so i decided to change projects without saving that project. DOH.

guess i’ll work on sounds again tomorrow.

on a side note, I was trying to get an LFO drone sound and put multiplier on a pert pad. I had it for a minute and then the multi wouldn’t do anything. I was getting a speedy lfo rate. I lost it and couldn’t replicate it. any hints on how to do this, if you can even understand what i mean.

I have it on VERY good authority ( can’t name my source, sorry ) that Elektron will only look favourably on submissions which pay homage to the Fairlight (obviously) and that also had the aesthetics and simplicity of this specific and seminal clip, i didn’t want to have an unfair advantage, where’s the sport in that …

Yeah I know. I’ve read the tread and the many clarifications now.

Wouldn’t if have been easier to say that in the first place :wink:
No synthesis my ass. No use of analog oscs in the RYTM or non samaple machines in the machinedrum is what you mean :)[/quote]
Does that mean you’re in then? :slight_smile: [/quote]
Dont be silly. I use my MPC1000 for sampling and that’s not a machine in the comp :stuck_out_tongue:

Said this before Elektron = elitist. Look at the catch 22! Need one to win one.

And yes I drink my malt liquor with pinky up.