Screen Saver

Does the DT have a screen saver, it doesn’t seem to be turning on?

How do I activate thanks?

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No one? :frowning: Manual says auto it turns on, but I’ve had in on for a long time, no dim or screen saver

Dont think so

i might have seen screen saver activate once on my device, but it takes a very long time to activate.
i dont remember for sure but its something around an hour?
there is no manual activation, but there is low brightness setting, if you care about longevity.
even then i dont know how much it would reduce burn in because its still bright enough to be usable in daylight on low.

if your screensaver doesnt activate, perhaps its receiving clock from midi/usb in.

that said, i personally dont worry about it because i almost never see digis with burn in
plus my unit was a floor model that was probably on for a year or two, and is still in perfect condition.

my DN screensaver turns on, fwiw. I’ve never timed it though to see after how long and I tend to turn it off if I’m going to leave it alone too long because I have screen burnaphobia.

also, if it weren’t beneficial they wouldn’t have added it to digitakt after the fact, but they did. perhaps check your firmware version? I don’t know. it works and turns on in my case and I’m no one special, should certainly work for you.

Latest firmware, still been on for 8 hours no screen saver.

Page 18 in the latest manual:

Maybe yours is receiving MIDI signals or something?

EDIT: Sorry, I see you’ve already checked the manual.

I figured out on mine that the encoders do move slightly so the screen saver never worked. Then once I had the DT on a MIDI track and suddenly it worked. It dims then then goes off. After using it for a while it now also does it in the normal mode. I believe it reacts to all kinds of stuff coming in so maybe try it completely disconnected for a while.