Screwless cheeks?


anyone who can give advice on something that will put my OT on a tilt?
I would rather not make this thing permanent since I would want to move it on occasion. Something that ships to Europe (sweden). Something that allows me to still put the elektron plastic cover on it.

Have been looking at laptop stands, but they take up more room than i need. Also I would want something a bit more secure than a flat tilted surface.

I could build my own, anyone knows if theres a guideline on the angle? Obviously it depends on the height of my table and desk though.


Check this out, i use it on my OT. You can remove the wood ends as you need, without any problem.

There are 4 little screws you leave on the OT and those hold the wood ends really well. The screws look like little pins that go into the OT, and they fit any elektron machine.

There is a little gap that allow you to use the cover on it also.

That looks really interesting! Am I correct to think that there is four holes on each wooden cheek and that you can just turn them around to get a steeper or more subtle angle?

Still screws, even though it should be a lot easier to remove them it seems.
Do you screw them in with your hands or does it require one of those special screwdrivers that i don’t know the english word for. (the ones you use to screw in the brass crews under a motherboard in a PC) Distance screw… driver? I don’t know :smiley:

Also, is it still possible to have the plastic lid on?

check this out:
and the manual:

it took me 20 secondes to put the wood ends. You screw the little bits with your hands, it’s fast !

As they say, one size fits all, tool free assembly and two positions. If you need to remove them then no problem, it will take you 20 seconds at most.

I assume you will be able to put the cover on, since you have a gap for it. The wooden ends aren’t flush with the front surface of the elektron, you can see it on the first picture from their website. This product is well thought, and cheap for what it is.

Take a look at the website in the link :+1: