After a lot of experimentation, I’ve just completed a loop I really like but the tracks are arranged in a way that makes it hard to remember what’s on each track (especially when in the middle of a jam). I’m now trying to rearrange them into a more sensible order, but it’s proving tricky.
For instance, let’s say want to move the pattern and machine that are currently on track 5 over to track 1. In order to do this, I have to copy the pattern on track 5 and paste it onto track 1, then go into Kit>Edit and copy the machine on track 5 over to track 1. Now this isn’t too complicated, but if there are a number of tracks you’d like to rearrange, it gets pretty confusing fast.
Is there an easier way to do this or that just the way it is?
This happens to me all the time, tbh most of my patterns are like that
Haven’t tried but maybe you could copy the pattern to an empty slot then copy and paste from one to the other. Might be better to create a new pattern and kit to paste to depends how messy ya are haha…
Edit: if it’s a good pattern it’s worth doing I suppose, would like to hear more on this, sry not much help
Unfortunately, there is no way around it. You have to manually copy each track to a new track in order to rearrange the kit. Best way is to start copying one track at a time to a new and blank pattern. Once you’ve copied all of your tracks over, in the order that you want them, be sure to save your new kit! If you do the copying process into a blank pattern, this really won’t take you long to complete.
Update: I just tried your suggestion and learned a valuable lesson in the process.
I was under the assumption that when you copy and paste one track onto another track, you then have to assign that new track a machine in order to hear it. Turns out this is not the case. When you copy that first track, the machine its associated with is also copied and will remain associated with that new track as long as you save it as a new kit (this especially important if you’re copying tracks to new pattern, since this association is broken anytime you switch between patterns).
So it seems the easiest way to rearrange tracks is to copy the individual tracks onto a blank pattern one at a time, just make sure to save the new kit each time before switching back to the original pattern.